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We sat here talking to Jenna about adoption and I really don't like her not having the Ford name. She really wants to live in Seattle. I have not convinced her to come back to El Paso with me. I will be damned if I don't spend my last days with my family. So I have my assistant call around for a big house for all of us to live in. Carrick walks in with two youngsters carrying their little suitcases. He has two big ones and he takes them to their kids old rooms and explains everything to them. They are crying for their nana and papa Smith.
That's there old foster parents. I hope I can live up to there standards as a foster parent. Jenna do you want to meet your children?
Georgia would you like to meet them too?
Yes I do.
You know hearing the story about how young you were when your first baby was born, but seeing it makes it real and even more painful thinking if what that monster did to you. I am wondering how many others he did this to? Well let's smile and go meet our family.
I finally have the IVs out, but am on all kinds of food supplements and vitamins until I get back to somewhat a normal weight for me. Whatever that is, I was an afterthought on feeding me. So I don't look scary. Mia's room was the room Susan was put in and Charles was put in Elliotts room. Minus the posters with girls on them. Mia's room was all girly. We cleared out a dresser and used the big suitcase to put them in until we had boxes. Jameson was awake so I brought him to meet Susan and Charles. Georgia and I explained who I was and why I didn't have them with me. I explained that I was told they were gone, and I was led to believe they were dead. They definitely will need to adjust to everything including me and their new siblings.
I watch as my 16 year old granddaughter takes on an adult role as mother of four and I cry for her and her babies that she and them were put through all of this. Carla and Stephen are hopefully burning in hell like in my dreams. I think how comfortable she is here and they seem to want her to be part of their family and I know Christian and he is and has been an amazing competitor, but he also treats good people very well. Some of the guys he buried for good reasons. So her being adopted by Carrick and Grace would be a good thing and it would assure no one could take her inheritance from her. Christian and Carrick would make sure of that.
Grandmas Georgia's fantasy
I see them leaving their bodies and dark figures drag them into a huge fire pit where the flesh just keep burning and they watch as they are tormented by they worse fears over and over again. I smile at my fantasy of how the Mortons ended up. I see my son smiling down from heaven that he has grandchildren and I have Jenna back in my life and four little additions.
The DNA matched and the kids were made our foster children. Now we have four foster children and three grandchildren on their way. Grace is very happy and she has invited Georgia to stay in one of the guest rooms and Georgia thanked her, but she has just bought a home close by. Apparently Christian knows Mrs Ford very well. He says she a force to be reckoned with. He said he tried to buy her out and was told he didn't have that kind of money. Lol. She was right. According to Christian she is still running circles around the men who called her sweetie and asked for coffee when they assumed she was the secretary for the Ford company.
I did my research and cleared up the men's errors and suggested they start doing their when it comes to who owns the company. We met when I was still traveling to make purchases. She did finally sell me something. She said I had employed the one person who could take the company to the next level and then some. She knew he was under my thumb and couldn't do any work for competitors. Like I was a real competition for her. But she did keep a ten percent stock in the company and the company is still growing now. Ten per cent is quite a lot of returns now. Everything is intellectual property, but I give bonuses for projects that earn me money they get a one per cent of the earnings. So they have something to work for. Barney was a millionaire by the end of his first month with me. I treat my employees well and they can't get what they get by working for me. So positions at GEH are a rare commodity and unless I am expanding job openings are rare.
Hey Mr Grey baby coming now. Ana had felt bad and was ordered to bed rest for the last week, her and Mia are vying for position of who will give birth first. Well I believe Ana is the winner. Jameson watches as I frantically pace and check on Ana.
Mrs Jones calm down, I have delivered a baby remember. She smiles and says yes you have.
Let's go check on Ana while we wait for the ambulance. Christian comes running in and wants to know why the ambulance isn't here yet?
Let's get her into the car and out of here now. I pick Ana up blankets and everything Gail grabs a garbage bag box. Just in case her water breaks. We will just replace the seats. Are the nannies here?
Yes they are here.
You are coming with us along with Gail,  because you both will keep me sane.
I have the limo ready and we are on our way, we see why the ambulance didn't get here yet. It was involved in a t bone wreck someone plowed into it's side. Traffic was a sight. We had to ask to go through due to a mother in labor. They got us through and gave us an escort. Ana kept saying that's not necessary until we hear the gush of water. Thank God for trash bags and Gail thinking of them along with those waterproof pads. She lined the seats and the floors completely. Clothing can be washed, seats have to be replaced as well as the floorboard rungs.
Well look at that, my water broke and okay that hurt. Uh guys faster please, I think the baby is in a hurry to be born now. We see the hospital, but someone is blocking the entrance. Dammit it's Mia and Ethan.

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