Ana Ages Out

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Anastasia Rose Steele was never wanted by foster parents or adoptive ones. She was a real hard worker and graduated from high school at 15 and started college courses in Law, English, and Medicine. She worked hard at home, at school, and an internship at a law office. Attorney Archie Billings hired her after reading her application. It was the worst job application imaginable. He framed it to give her on her graduation of law school. She was smart, shrewd, mistrustful, and not being wanted by adults didn't bother her at this point. She figured that she was a great person and people were missing out on knowing the real her. So she just lived her life. She moved out of her foster parents home and fond an elderly lady renting a room so she grabbed it up. The family was upset until they met Ana and offered her the room free if she would care for their mother by cooking, cleaning and assuring she was taking her medications. She agreed, since she was already doing it anyway. Ana had a lot of energy and that got her through everyday. Keeping her mind constantly busy kept her from the sadness about being unwanted by anyone. Her caseworker was constantly a negative Nelly. She proved to her she could get her high school diploma early. She showed her she could go to college as well. Then she got an internship at a law office. Then she found a nice woman to rent and care for. She told the caseworker the day she started working at the law firm that the day she turned 18 she was gone and for her to never contact Ana ever again. Mrs Addy Wilson was a nice lady who just needed someone to care for her. Ana made sure she ate, took showers, exercised, and her medication.
I got my drivers license because the foster care family needed my driving abilities. I am now serving documents for law suits to save money on hiring the servers. Archie said they would never guess what hit them by my handing them the law suit papers. I had to track down the guy who not only hit and run over our client, we then got two more suits concerning him. We found out where he was going to be at today. Greys office was around the corner from Archies so I headed there to serve Mr Jones while he was available and surprise him. The paternity suit was surprising. I just can't see a woman going for that smug ass jerk. When I walked up to give him the documents it was like he expected me to faint or something from his good looks. Good looks outside only gets you looked at so long it's the inside I want to be good. Archie had me set the appointments with Grey and Jones with our clients. The ex wanted 5 million and a million dollars for a home. We had to explain a few things to her and we got it down to 3 million and  with a car along with 50k a week and all the child's bills and baby needs costs up until the settlement. Gray agreed it was reasonable. She could have asked for half of everything but didn't. Jones was lucky his victim got paid for her pain and suffering and all bills before and after along with a million dollars and a new vehicle of her choosing. The mechanic got 200k and an public apology stating he was an angry idiot and he had all his cars repaired at the guys shop and had for years. He had to place big ads saying this. Ahh the life he lives he causes all his own troubles. He needs to grow up maybe the baby will help with that. According to the ex he never saw the baby at all. He just dumped her when she told him about the baby. Attorney Grey was intimidating but fair to all our clients. He reminded Jones that he could still serve time if he fought the victim and the mechanic on the amounts he was paying them. They were asked to sign a gag order about the wreck. To save time Grey had his client bring his checks to pay all the amounts he would need to me as well. I have to say he stood his ground about the baby and Jones responsibility for it. Archie said Grey was and is a shark, but he knew his client was not in the right and would lose in a court battle. So he saved his client a court battle and headlines about his abandonment of his child. The day was pretty much shot, we had lunch near the Grey offices and we got everything settled and filed legally. All checks were written out and we made a tidy sum, Jones had to pay all attorneys fees and all costs for subsequent employees pay along with all expenses on top of what he paid our clients. So we walked away with over 400k in our hands. That was a drop in the bucket for what we could have asked for. The baby's mother only wanted what she needed for the baby and child support. He said he didn't want visitation rights. So she didn't have to see him at all, his payments would go through the attorneys and into her accounts.
As I was going home I saw so many babies in strollers and thought someday I will be walking my own baby. I smiled and thought it won't be with a man like Jones. I want the whole nine yards husband, home with white picket fence, a dog, a cat, and 4 babies. Two of each lol. I deposited my check into my account as I head home. Mrs. Wilson was happy to see me since I had to get a friend of mine to take her lunch and make her take her meds. I am barely in the door when she let's me know that we missed our talk over lunch. My friend is not a big talker or listened either. He just got in and got out according to her. James has never been entertaining, he is a classmate who has his school paid for by wealthy parents. I met them when he dragged me to dinner at their home one night. Let's just say they looked down their nose at me and pretty much made it clear I was not a welcome guest. I suspect that James used me to get under his parents skin. He told me later it was either he bring a date. Or end up with a snobby socialite of his parents choosing. I gave him hell for putting in that position. Let's just say I have turned down further dinners with parents due to his actions.

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