Baby Boy Found?

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I just found out I am pregnant, I am due on 6/10/1983. I am a trust fund baby who believes in hard work and values. I made a huge mistake of joining a friend of mine at a bar one night. I have copper colored hair and blue grey eyes. I am small and very beautiful according to my friends and family. I inherited a nice home from my grandparents, I was their only grandchild and I worked hard and kept their home in good shape. I also attend college for accounting and business courses. I was with friends and had to go to the restroom. I had no idea it wasn't safe to leave your drink alone or take a drink offered by a stranger or even a friend of a friend who had joined us. Let's just say this I woke up in my bed naked and blood on my sheets and no one else was there. Apparently my friends were unaware of my absence or even how I got home. So I went to my doctor and she said that I did lose my virginity and she would take swabs and blood work along with a report that I was drugged. I was definitely drugged and I was also tested for stds. Little did I know I would find out 6 weeks later I was pregnant. I had to break the news to my parents and how it happened. I have not joined my friends again at any bars. I had to have all my locks changed on my home and security has been added. My parents insisted on it, since whoever it was brought me to my home. That I did the next day after I was left in my own bed and had no idea who was in here. So now we are awaiting the baby's birth. My parents decided to take it in stride even though they don't like it and neither do I, but it is what it is and the baby is innocent. What I didn't know at the time is that my parents were not happy at all about the baby. They were just biding their time.
June 10, 1983 Christian was born 10 days earlier than that date. I was all alone, no parents and no friends bothered coming to see me after my adorable son arrived. Even security had been terminated so I drove to the hospital and drove myself home from the hospital. I found a sitter for Christian before he was brought home. So I arrived home and settled in and we started our routines. What I didn't know is that my son would be kidnapped while I was in a grocery store, I failed to notice someone following me. I was hit from behind while putting my groceries in my car. My car and son along with everything else was taken from me that day. A woman found me behind a dumpster barely breathing. I spent two weeks in the hospital, my parents had my locks changed again and security codes were resset. I lost my memory and couldn't recall my name or giving birth to a son. My parents cleared out the baby things along with anything to do with Christian. The EMTs took me to a close ER and no one would recognized me. They reported me missing and that's how they found me. But they didn't file a missing baby report.
?Unknown assailant
I was told to kidnap this baby and leave him for someone to find him in a crowded park. Little did I know that the people who hired me would make my life miserable. They had no idea that her being hit in the head would make her lose all memory of them and her whole life and she would have to start all over again. I don't think I hit her that hard. I think the fact her parents didn't want her found immediately was the cause of the memory loss. Her brain swelled and if they had found her earlier she would have had medication to prevent the damage done to her. They refused to pay me. I still do not know who the people were that hired me, but if I ever find out they will wished they had paid me for my services.
You ever get the feeling that something is missing? I keep walking through my home and checking for something and don't know what it is. My parents have told me that I am probably looking for something familiar. I don't think my parents are telling me everything. I am in therapy for trauma along with memory issues. I have to keep my appointments along with finding new doctors.
////Christian's Biological grandpa maternal
I am watching as my daughter is sleeping in her hospital bed. I just don't know why we agreed to this but when this baby's dad came forward and threatened my only child's life if the baby wasn't eliminated from the picture. I had no choice in the matter, he set it up and said he would take matters in his own hands. My Wife and daughters were sitting in the room when he threatened us if we tried to stop him from taking the child, he would kill us all. His son was the father and it wasn't the first child he fathered from drugging and raping an unsuspecting woman at a bar. The others weren't from the best families like my daughter. But he would make good on his threats and no missing child reports were to be made at all. What I didn't know is that he hired someone who knew how and where to hit my daughter to make her forget everything about her child and life. Now I wished I had stood up to him, but I had heard things and now I know he has the abilities he says he has.
////Christians Biological Grandma maternal
I just cried and cried, my husband says she will have more children dear. She will not recall it at all. It is probably for the best and we don't want to have anything to do with people like them and this prevents it. We have to make sure he doesn't do this again. He assures me that the guy won't be getting near our daughter again.
?///Unknown Assailant
I took the baby and his things to the park and left him where I knew he would be found quite quickly. I changed his diaper and fed him and covered his little body. I left everything there for whoever found hm. This kids mom was rich. He had the best of everything. I cleaned out the car of everything baby wise and then took the groceries and dropped them off at a homeless shelter. I drove my own car to the shelter and left the other car at the grocery store. I left the purse at a goodwill donation bin after emptying it and tossing it's contents into the trash can. My gloves are running low after this job. My money was deposited after news hit about a baby being found in the park I left him in, there were no witnesses. A homeless filthy man is usually ignored as they are digging for things in the trash can. So I act like one and leave when the cops asked me to make myself scarce. I did.

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