Home Again

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I was not thrilled at first that Elliott and Kate moved into Ana's and my Bahamas home. Elliott didn't know that I had bought it, but mom and dad did. Nw that he knows he will definitely be using it. The first two days of our cohabitation it was awkward, but then it changed. We began to ave a lot of fun, doing a lot of different things. We gave each other rom when we wanted privacy. The staff was told that because they had double duty they would receive double pay. Talk about happy workers. I told Kate and Elliott that the staff is there to see after our needs, but not to forget mom and dad taught us to pick up after ourselves help or not. Staff members are not slaves to us they are there for to cook and clean and watch over us. My staff have their own quarters on the property, but always maintain the main house. They are paid very well, more when we visit. I found out Ana has fears of certain things and that lead to a bad panic attack. Kate got mad at me and Elliott and finally got Ana calmed down. She's afraid of spiders and being locked in confined places. Small safe rooms will be a huge problem for us. I showed her our safe room and she passed out from the panic. The spider we found out about by accident. But we teased her with it and it escalated into Ana nearly going into shock. Kate said she found out the hard way about the spider fear. She threw a blanket around Ana and told her the spider was killed. After thirty minutes she relaxed and fell asleep. No spiders or bugs and no tiny safe rooms. After those events we finally relaxed and had a lot of fun. I finally saw the hotel they were at, no wonderment came looking for us. It was scary looking. There travel agent is going to wish they never met Elliot and Kate Grey. He charged them for a luxury hotel and sent them to a crap place. He showed them photos of the luxury place instead of the actual hotel when he made the reservations. I had dad start the investigations and the law suit. Which will lead to criminal charges. It was a good thing they moved out of their because the area they were in caught fire after the rooms were broken into. We found out all that happened because someone found out a rich couple was staying there. That happened after they came here. They had someone get their luggage and drop the keys off. They paid in advance.
I definitely am going after the travel agent, when we get home. I can't believe the mount we were charged for the rooms we were going to get. The price was not even ten per cent of what we paid. That travel agent will never get another customer after we get through with them. I am going to make he was the one who did it. I am also investigating the place as well they could have had a hand in it as well. I made sure all of our things were in our luggage and it was. Security said someone was in the room when they went to get it. They got it and left the room. They dropped the keys at the front desk and told them we weren't coming back ever again. At first coming to Christian and Ana's was awkward, but all of us adapted and had a lots of fun. The guys found out about Ana's fears and I thought we might have to get her to a doctor, but we calmed her down.
I am very angry about that scumbag travel agent and the hotel. Christian has called dad and got investigations started on both ends.  I mean you would think the both would think twice about scamming a Grey. We had a lot of fun, we all got closer during the honeymoons. I know we enjoyed ourselves more being here with Ana and Christian. Plus it was a beautiful place. He had the place for three years and it was updated by Taylor and he and Gail were down here to get everything done including hiring staff. They got married Down here too. Christian had Gail hire someone to help decorate the place. He definitely didn't know there are several hot tubs in the place. We definitely made use of our rooms hot tub.
I think we had a better time with Kate and Elliott on our honeymoon than if we had been here by ourselves. Christian would be romantic and everything, but I know he would be worried about work. Kate and Elliott being around made him more attentive to us. We enjoyed ourselves more and did a lot more things, because Kate and Elliott pushed us to spread our adventurous wings. Photos of us parasailing, climbing cliffs, swimming with dolphins. Surfing, scuba diving deep sea fishing all kinds of things. Then we enjoyed private romantic dinners on our separate balconies.
The flight back was on GEH jets, no delays and no emergency landings. Kate and Elliott told her father about it and he found out the pilot had been drinking and the co pilot took over and had to do an emergency landing due to the drunk pilot causing issues. The pilot was fired immediately. We finally landed back in Seattle after a few stops to fuel up and pilot changes. Security was waiting when we landed at the airport. We waited while they unloaded the plane and our luggage was put in our cars. It was pouring outside.
The rain was bad and we got the luggage off and in the respective cars. Elliott was still asleep, Kate was packing things up as was Ana. My briefcase and laptop were closed up as I told Taylor we need to make sure that we find out more about that hotel and the travel agent. I got a report that there was a thwarted kidnap scheme down there. They were after Kate and Elliott knowing I was on the island and would pay the ransom for them quickly. The car breaking down was a blessing. The car was too small to carry security and their bags along with Kate and Elliott. They took off and left security in the dust. I hired them a big car and they headed to where they thought Kate and Elliott were supposed to be. It turns out to be the actual hotel the realtor had shown them, but not the hotel name. They finally found out how to get to the other hotel. That's when they found Kate and Elliott ad drove them to the actual place. Security had encouraged them to change hotels, but they had already paid for the rooms, but they had upgraded them to the place they were going to kidnap them from. Security got them to me pretty quickly, but hadn't told me everything yet. They just said they were safer with us. On the flight back I was finally told everything. They were told to allow us to enjoy our honeymoons and security was tripled on us without my knowing. Dad ordered it after we found out about the travel agent. Taylor, Welch and Barney worked around the clock to get the goods on the realtor and the hotel. Arrests were made before we hit the ground in Seattle.

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