The Party part 1

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I finally got the interview with Christian Grey because Ana knew his dad from work and her inheritance. I decide to not ask your typical questions, because as soon as I see him in person he is definitely not gay. The way he carries himself says it all. A mans man kind of walk, he just screams heterosexual in everything he does. Guess he just doesn't have his lady friends caught with him for their own privacy. I can well imagine how it would effect their private lives like it does his. All the paparazzi that won't leave him alone he is just assuring his lady friends privacy.
I was waiting for the gay question with miss Kavanaugh, but she didn't ask it and some of her questions were never asked of me she has done a lot of research on me. She asks if she can take some pictures while she was here and I allow it. I then ask her about her brunette friend. She tells me that Ana is quite shy about men, but she likes them she just hasn't liked anyone enough to really go out with anyone at all. We have male friends that want more, but Ana doesn't. I ask if she would let me have Anas phone number. She says Mr Grey I would never give out Anas number without asking her first. But we will be at the party at your parents home this weekend you can ask her yourself.
Three days later and hours of shopping for a suitable outfit and salon time we are ready to go.
Kate I am nervous about all of this. I am unsure of going to this party.
Listen they were nice and so was Christian and he asked for your number and wants you there as well. You look great and so do I. So let's go and have fun after all Grace said there would be single men there. Christian being one of them and Elliott her other son and Mia is our age so we might make a new friend there.
Mom thinks I don't know this is her way of celebrating my birthday. All of us children are adopted. My mom said that I was found in a busy park when I wasn't even a week old. So she is having a party. She did invite one person I really want to see and really talk to.
Mom told me she has two ladies about my age coming to the party to celebrate Christians birthday, but it's not a birthday party. He doesn't like all the fuss since he is past 21 and believes that after that age you shouldn't have them lol. Mom also told me to keep my snobby friends in check tonight. She also told me she likes these young ladies and think they would make good matches for Christian and Elliott. I just shake my head at moms matchmaking efforts again. I personally have friends that all want Christian and it is all about his money and good looks none of them know the real Christian. Both sets of grands are going to be here tonight. Mom and dad think that Christian was a kidnap victim. She thinks that something happened to the parents. We all know Christian came with high end clothes along with high end car seat and diaper bag. It also was well stocked with breast milk and had a breast pump as well. That is not a mother who left her child in a busy park. One witness said the only person near the baby was a homeless guy digging for anything he could find in the trash. So he couldn't have been the one dropping off the baby. Plus he was crazy according to the cops he wasn't able to understand the questions they asked him. He ran off after they let him go. So here we are. Mom said there weren't any missing baby reports on Christian at all.
I have three children and my parents passed away years ago. I am left with the company and their homes. My husband was killed by his lovers husband when they found him in bed with her. I had no idea he was cheating on me. I do now. It made the news and can I just say finding out your husband is cheating on you is one thing but to have cops come and tell you about how he died and why is not a pleasant story. And what's worse is the husband of his lover recognized me. I have never met him. He said we dated in school. I told him not to speak to me again. He and his wife can go to hell as far as I am concerned. I never remembered anything from those years and had a good life with Christian 21 Amee 19 and Charles 17 all my children were very loved and wanted. I am very close to them all. Christian looks like me with my hair and eyes. Amee has her dads blonde hair and my eyes, Charles is another matter. I was violently raped and left for dead and he was the product of that rape. He has bright blue eyes and black hair. I just couldn't abort any baby no matter the circumstances. You ever have this feeling that something is missing and you have no idea what it is. Every time I see my children laughing I feel a loss of something. I have since I lost my memories.
/?? Husband killer
I can't believe my slut wife was screwing my ex girlfriends husband. I shot them both and made sure they were dead. My dad hired the best attorneys in Seattle. It of course made the papers being who I am. My dad told me to get used to bars because this time he won't be able to get me off of the charges. He said that I should have never married the slut I drugged and got pregnant. He said she would have slept with me anyway. Her family took custody of our twins. Identical twin girls who looked just like their mother. I wonder if I have a child by my ex? She didn't even know who I was and I was surprised she came to watch me get arrested. Carrick Grey asked her to come down because I said she was an ex of mine and he said she didn't have any memory of me at all. She had no idea who I was except that I allegedly killed her husband and my wife after finding them having sex in our marital bed. I asked if she had kids she said she did have three. None were the age ours would have been. They call times up and she leaves before I ask if she had our child.

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