Mrs Wilson Dies

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I checked on Addy regularly and tonight something was off about her behavior and I called her daughter to let her know I was calling 911 and she needed to get to the hospital now. I am following the ambulance with all her meds and when she took them. So I head into the ER after parking and I run all the way and bump into Addys daughter on the way in. We head to the reception and I let her talk and she introduces me as her moms caretaker. We are both led to the room where she is being looked at.Her husband runs in as well. Addy came to twice and spoke to us all and gave us her love. She died two hours after we arrived. I am all alone and Addys been taken out of the room and her daughter and son in law are crying in each other's arms so I go out of the room and wait. Now I have to find a room again.
Addys daughter Jessie
I watch as they try to bring mom back once again, she smiles at all three of us and tells us she loves all of us including Ana. Ana has a surprise coming to her, mother left her the house and all it's furniture and appliances. I took her to make her will out and we agreed that Ana had been so caring and had taken such good care of her just for her room and board alone. So we decided to reward her with mothers home. My mom loved her like she loved me and Ana loved my mom as much as she would her own mom. Ana had a rough life
I call the attorney and let them know my mom has died and we will be needing the will read as soon as possible for Anas benefit. Ana didn't know this, but mom was a millionaire and could have had the best taking care of her. She wanted Ana, she said that child deserves a break and I am going to give her one. How would you feel about that? I told her that as long as Ana took care of her it is her choice how she wants to reward her. Ana made my moms life wonderfully full in her last year. She was happier than I have ever seen her since my dad passed away.
I am sad as I watch them bury a good friend of mine. Jessie says we have to see the attorney today. I am not sure why I am needed.
I know that Ana was left along with moms home, the furniture and appliances along with her cars. Luckily we don't need or want them. I inherited my moms millions and her company. I have been running it for years now and it has been growing larger by leaps and bounds. So mom leaving something to Ana because she spent time with mom that I didn't have was a blessing. Ana is and was wonderful to my mom and me and my family.  My two children loves her as well. She even found time for them. I am hoping she knows we consider her family. If not we will let her know it at the will reading. David my husband is my rock and our twins Joseph David Carrington and Mary Addison Carrington are 7 years old and full of energy. I swear I drank no caffeine while pregnant with them. My husband says he thinks I drank something with caffeine in it lol.
Attorney Carrick Grey is the family attorney my mom hired as soon as he opened his offices. She said one should always try to get a good looking charming married attorney to handle any legal matters for you. It distracts people enough to get things done your way lol. Okay so mom was a character. She had a lot of friends, family not so much.
So we hope your uncle doesn't try to overturn her will today right?
He has already tried to bully me about it. He says he has a copy of the will she gave him. I seriously doubt it is legal knowing he has never visited her at all even when dad died. Carrick has the actual will that was filed with the courts and notarized and has been in his office since she and I came here two months ago. I think he is sniffing around for the house and cars.
I have no idea why I am here about the will Addy had. Jessie said it is because Addy wanted me to have something. Addys brother paid me a visit before coming here and told me to pack my stuff and be ready to get out of his home. Jessie has told me That her uncle Larry James has no say about the home. He tried to get my keys from me so I called Jessie and she told him if he didn't leave and leave me alone she would call the cops on him. He left mad as a wet hen. Jessie said we were getting a restraining order against him today for me and her and her family.
I thought I could bully that tiny female into getting out of my sisters house and give me the keys to the house. But she called Jessie so my niece threatened to call the cops on me. I was hoping to get the keys so I could take the cars before they were handed over to someone else. Addy has never forgiven me for stealing from her and her husband Fred. Money and two cars when I worked for them, nothing like getting fired by your own family. They made me pay for the cars and all the money back or go to jail. I have to watch my Ps and Qs on this situation, I really want the company but that was given to Jessie already. I tried to get Addy to sign something after Fred died but she told me that there was no way she would sign the paper I put down in front of her. She told me that she only signed what her attorneys had her sign and only after she reads it thoroughly. My sister was never so old that she didn't know me well and would never sign a thing from me or anyone else without reading it and having Carrick Grey look it over.

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