Virus' Fears

19 1 13

Virus was the first to wake up. She looked to her right to see Steam hogging the beanbag chair they stole from Error without him noticing, and she Star sleeping on the empty floor, having another nightmare. She sighed, got off of the couch, and opened a portal to random AUs.

She never DID things like Steam always would. Steam normally brought something back or prank called random people in the AU she was in so she could actually SEE their reaction.

Virus didn't find any enjoyment in that.

She thought it was kind of boring

So she just walked around the AUs when she needed to think.

Right now she was in the remains of Dreamtale.

Geez, it's practically in ruins.

They didn't know why, but this AU didn't have anyone in it,

But it felt like it used to.

This was one of Virus' favourite AUs.

So quiet

It was broken, beyond repair, but Virus found that slightly comforting. She likes to practice her webs here, as anyone who entered this AU could tell, because she never cleaned up after herself.

She knew it was a trashy move, but she had her own space to be alone, away from the others.

She laid in a spider web she had made for herself, her hands behind her head, staring at the sky.

You see, she wasn't like Error.

Error liked completely empty places

With little to no objects in them.

But Virus was a spider, and spiders can't make their webs without anything to hold onto.

So she likes something that doesn't have too much in it, but doesn't have too little either.

Sure she was kind of picky, but she needed a place where she could practice her magic in peace, without being seen by someone from an AU.

She laid there thinking about random questions that came to her mind.

What do Steam's eyes look like?

Why does Star go through random mood swings, and then eventually go back to being emotionless, only to repeat the cycle seconds later?

Where was the kid?

How come there are no other Neira copies?

Are they the only ones?

Why is this random guy with YOLO glasses looking at me funny...

Wait what?

Virus perked her head up to see a VERY colourful skeleton staring straight at her.

"Hey there Broski!"

(Aaaaaah my nonexistent soul is shattering I can't write in Fresh's language)

Virus stared at him for a moment.

Who was this guy again?

"W-W-W-Who the F🅄🄽🄺 are you—" Virus paused for a second. What did she just say? The colourful skeleton's glasses changed from YOLO to NotCool, as he narrowed his eyebrows and puffed his cheeks.

"Bruh that's not very rad of you Broski!"

(....I'm dead inside....)

Virus' eye started twitching.

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