CH*70 (Revelation)

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Taehyung pov:

I open my eyes feeling the bright sunlight as it filters in through the windows. I look around the room until my gaze lands on the beauty draped across my chest. He still breathes deeply sleeping peacefully. I watch him thinking back over the events of last night and the rest of the weekend. I know we have to head back today. It's so peaceful here. I can hear the waves crashing against the shore as I listen to Kookie's breathing. I rub my hand up and down his back watching him as he sleeps. His breathing pattern changes and I still my hand knowing he is starting to wake up. I just lay there watching him as his yawns and shifts to look up at me. I yawn and then smile down at him as he giggles.

"Good morning my love."

"Good morning Taetae."

I feel my cheeks heat at the nickname. He chuckles at my reaction.

"You too are cute when you blush."

I laugh as I reach down and tickle him loving the way he squirms and laughs.

"Stop Tae, okay!"

I stop and rub my hands over his back and sides as he relaxes onto my chest again. I listen as I let my gaze roam around the room again.

"What do you think about getting cleaned up and making breakfast for everyone? I don't hear any of the others yet."

He shifts sitting up and looking around listening. He looks at me and smiles.

"I think you're right. I picked up bagels, do you want to make breakfast sandwiches?"

I smile at him and nod. That sounds like a great idea. I watch as he gets up and takes a few steps slowly. He turns to me and smiles waiting for me to get up. I smile back as I get up and follow him into the bathroom. I'm glad to see he's not in pain. We shower and clean up the room before heading to the kitchen. I help Kookie pull out all the ingredients from the fridge. Then I leave him to crack the eggs as I get out the pans, we need from the cabinets I watched Joon go into. I put the pans on the stove and watch as Kookie adds butter oil and various spices to one and just turns on the other. He then lines that pan with bacon and leaves it to cook. He reaches over and grabs a cutting board and knife and I frown until I see him pull out a bag of bagels. He pours them out and then start to slice them. I grab a platter for the finished sandwiches. I turn as I hear the triad walk into the room.

"Good morning guys, we're making breakfast. Well Kookie is making breakfast. I'm just helping. How did you sleep?"

I let my gaze roam around until it lands on Suga who blushes and looks away. He clears his throat as I look at him smiling. He smiles back.

"We slept well. The night was wonderful in case you're wondering."

I nod as I chuckle feeling Kookie wrap his arms around my waist. I lean over and kiss him.

"We slept well too, and I must say we had a good night as well."

I laugh at Kookie as he shifts hiding his blushing face into my neck. Jimin laughs at his cuteness.

"Hmm, have you discovered a new kink there Kooks?"

I chuckle as Kookie just hides more. I watch as Hobi walks over to the stove turning the bacon over.

"Thanks, Hobi."

Kookie says as he pulls his flaming face out of my neck and moves to add the eggs into the pan. Just as he turns back to us, Jin and Joon walk into the kitchen hand in hand. I giggle as Jin's eyes widen seeing the food.

"Good morning everyone. I thought I was dreaming of smelling bacon. You guys didn't have to cook. Joonie was just going to order something."

"I figured, but I wanted to make sure you didn't have to so, I picked this stuff up when we went shopping. It just worked out that we made it to the kitchen before you this morning."

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