CH*92 (Closer)

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Taehyung pov:

I lay sprawled out on the floor. I take my time and just breathe staring at the ceiling. I look down at the two heads that rest on my chest. I smile as I lean down kissing Jimin on the forehead as he looks up at me. I run my fingers through Kook's hair as he too looks up at me. I look over at Hobi as Jimin groans closing his eyes, and Hobi continues to rub his feet in his lap. He smiles softly as his head rests against Suga's shoulder. Suga is engaged in a quiet discussion with Joon sitting next to him as Jin lays with his eyes closed in Joon's lap. We are all pleasantly full and relaxed. I smile as my eyes focus on the ceiling again just enjoying the peace.

Yoongi pov:

"Joon, we start work officially the day after tomorrow. Are you sure it will be okay for us all to take a vacation so soon after we start? I don't want your company to suffer while we take care of our personal lives."

"It will be fine. The way I figure, we will be there for a week. That is enough time to get you all settled into your offices and introduce you to everyone. You guys can also get a feel for what you would like to do. It will be a busy week. Are we able to secure everything we need for Brazil here or will we need to be there a few days before?"

I shake my head as I think over the information I received.

"No, because we will need several different licenses and there will be three different ceremonies, we will need to be there a few days before the weddings. We can take care of some of the details over the phone and through email, but some things have to be done there. I was able to contact the shifter council there, so they are aware we need them to officiate a group wedding for seven. They will also officiate for our wedding and Tae and Kook's so that will make it easier. I was told the filing takes three days. So, we need at least that."

I watch him as he nods and runs his fingers through Jin's hair. I take the time to look around at everyone as a smile spreads on my face. I can't believe the turns my life has taken. In a matter of two weeks. I've gone from struggling with my mates to embarking on a new path as part of a mated group. I frown a bit and I look around again. Now I have six mates to protect and love. I just hope I'm enough and can be what they need.

"Stop it."

I turn to look at Joon as he grabs hold of my hand.

"I can feel you thinking. I also don't like the feeling I'm getting from you. Whatever you're thinking stop it."

"Sorry. I guess I'm just a little nervous about all of this. I never thought I would be part of a triad now to be part of a group bond. I just..."

"Feel a little overwhelmed?"

I nod as I pick my head up to meet his gaze. He stares at me for a minute. Then he leans forward connecting our foreheads.

"You're not the only one. I imagine we all feel that way. I also imagine I'm not the only one who's afraid to wake up and find this has all been a dream. I feel so much for all of you. Jinnie and I are used to being alone. We're used to having people come into our lives with the hopes that they will fill a void that we have. Only to find out they were only around because they wanted something. Or, even worse to keep an eye on him for his family."

I pull back to look at him shocked.

"His family hired people to keep an eye on him?"

He nods as he looks down at Jin who has fallen asleep on his lap.

"One woman I interviewed to hire as a secretary stopped me midway through the interview. She said she had been hired by the family to get hired so she could befriend us and flirt with Jin in hopes of breaking us up. She said she couldn't go through with it after seeing us together. She said she could see the bond in us and could feel we were true mates. When I asked her why she would do that for them she explained she had lost her mate and needed the money to support herself and her cubs. I found out later that his family had her mate killed so they could proposition her. So, to say the least, trust doesn't come easy for either of us. There was just something about the five of you that called to us. I don't think we could have fought it if we wanted to."

I nod understanding the feeling he is referring to. I felt it when I first met Tae and Kook, then again when I met him and Jin.

"We need each other. You said it all with your proposal Joon. We all have histories. Pasts that make us weary, but we were never weary of each other. Only in ourselves. I think that says a lot."

I watch as he nods as he looks around. I glance down at Hobi as he falls asleep on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him bringing his body down to lay in my lap. Joon and I look to find that Tae, Kook, and Jimin have fallen asleep on the floor. Tae lays with his arms wrapped around Kook and Jiminie, as they rest comfortably on his chest. Joon chuckles as he looks around at our five sleeping mates.

"Seems we are the only ones wide awake. Are you sleepy?"

I shake my head turning back to him.

"No just comfortable. I guess it's good we sat here."

I glance behind me as our backs rest against the couch. He chuckles and nods.

"It's nice. I'm glad they are resting. As much as we have been having fun, we have experienced some heavy days since this started. Not even including the spike. Do you mind if I ask you some things while they are sleeping?"

I watch as he glances down at Hobi before meeting my eyes again. I nod as I feel my brow furrow.

"Don't worry I'm not going to get too heavy or ask for many details. I don't want to cause any distress. I just forgot to ask you some things when we were briefing Arthur. How many times has his ex-found him?"

I feel my eyes widen as I look at him. He smiles at me softly as I swallow glancing down at Hobi.


He leans over and kisses my cheek.

"I think something in our make up has our bond growing faster than it is with the others. I get a residual feeling from you when any of them say or do things. It's been happening since the spike. Before you stormed out after the last message, I got a distinct feeling from you of, 'not again.' I also felt a wave of protectiveness surround all of us from you. It made me think that not only is this not the first time something like this has happened but that you were afraid Hobi wasn't the only one who would be targeted."

I take a deep breath as I look at him.

"I will talk to you about this later in detail but it's not. Hobe is not the only one who has changed phones because of him. Though he changed his because he wanted to make sure he had a better model that could block numbers. I shattered mine after receiving a message telling me, 'how pretty your mates are and why are you being greedy. Just give Hobi back and be happy with one.' At the time we hadn't even met Jimin. We were just, well um... having some fun. We were living in Canada then. I never told him just suggested we move to a warmer climate and we were here two weeks later."

I watch as he looks down at Hobi. He looks at me determination clear in his eyes.

"He is amazing, but he is ours and first and foremost he is his own. We will make sure he is protected."

I nod before leaning forward and connecting my lips with his. We stay there kissing each other slowly. I pull back watching Joon as he breathes deeply and smiles at me. I lay my head on his shoulder as we turn to look around at our mates. They lay sleeping peacefully together safe and comfortable as they should be.  

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