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Just a short one before I rest.

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"Bella is your daddy always on the phone when you're together?"

"Not always but sometimes."

"What does it mean? Enlighten me anak."

"Mommy can I have waffles after this?"

"Yes, anak.'' Bea put another one on her plate. "So.. does daddy talk a lot on his phone?"


"Sometimes what?"

"Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no."

Bea heaved a sigh. Of course, it's either the two.

She tried once again.

"Does daddy always laugh whenever he talks to someone on his phone?"

"Hmmm.. yes. Daddy seems always happy."

"Did you hear daddy said something like.. ahhhhm.. i love you?"

"Mommy I want orange chicken for later. Can we buy?"

"Yes. Of course, baby. Anything. But can you answer my question please?"

"What's your question again po?"

"Do you hear daddy say I love you while he's on the phone?"

"No. Mommy I want the orange chicken that daddy gave me. Can we buy that?"

"Wait. Wait. Isa-isa anak. And I'll buy you everything that you want. But first... no? You never heard daddy said I love you? Is that why you're trying to say?"

"Never. I think."

"Good. I mean clear. And did you say orange chicken from daddy? When did daddy give you orange chicken?"

"I can't remember. Basta he went to lola's and gave me orange chicken."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Coz we never talked that night. Then I forgot na."

The only time they missed talking was whenever Bella slept early.

"Is it just this week anak?" Coz they never talked Wednesday night. Bella slept early. Hindi nakatulog ng siesta was what lola just said. Bakit ba kasi hindi sya nag-usisa noon sa lola nya?

"Can't remember anymore. Can I have another ice cream mommy?"

"No. You already had one."

"But you said anything if I answer your question."

"Hayyyy. Anak pwede later?" She pleaded. This talk was frustrating her. "You have a lot of food pa oh."


Bea watched as her daughter devoured her food.

"Anak we're just talking right? Like how mommy asks how's school, how's your day. This talk is nothing biggie. Okay?"

"Mommy! You're confusing me."

Bea mentally slapped herself. She should stop thinking too much and stop talking to her daughter about it. Bella should be out of it.. out of whatever hide-and-seek she and Thidy have been playing.

Speaking of Thirdy. It was already thirty minutes and Thirdy hasn't returned yet. He went to the mall hardware to buy something for his car.

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