Important Rant.

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Today I am taking the time to address the happenings of my brothers and sister south of the border in America

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Today I am taking the time to address the happenings of my brothers and sister south of the border in America.

Recently a video popped up into my feed, I like many others clicked on it. And when I tell those were the longest most torturous nine minutes of my life. This video showed one of the cruellest and most brutal moments of police brutality against a person of my race, that I had ever seen.

I watched a NINE-minute video of a police officer kneeling down on an INNOCENT black man's neck, hands in pockets, face looking like the cat that got the cream, slowly killing this black man, with little to no thought of what was happening to the man he had dominated so violently.

The BLACK MAN's name was GEORGE FLOYD, who was pronounced dead at 9:25 pm last Monday evening in the community of Minneapolis Minnesota.

Watching that video I couldn't find it in myself to breathe, because I was just so horrified and disgusted by what I was seeing in front of me.

This man, an American citizen was killed by the same people that had sworn to protect the people of Minneapolis.

Derek Chauvin is s MONSTER who doesn't deserve forgiveness, who doesn't deserve the easy way out. 3rd-degree murder my fucking ass. That bastard should be charged with 1st-degree murder, he had a clear intent when he held Floyd down like that. This isn't even the first time, this man had 18 complaints prior to what happened last Monday

The fact that the justice system thinks that this is okay is disgusting, especially the fact that the other officers have yet to be taken into custody. The way the system is handling this just hammers home the fact that the justice system was made to fail people of colour.

People like me and that fucking hurt.

I may be Canadian but trust me when I say that I am crying with you, that I am outraged for you that I am just as sick and tired by the way people, my people, your people have been treated due to the melanin in their skin.

I am sick and tired of waking up every year, every month, every week waiting to see another black brother or sister's life taken from us leaving us with gaping holes in our chests and a thirst for justice we may never get.

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