Chapter 7

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Percy's breath came out in short pants, her arms and legs pumping as she dodged low hanging branches and hoped over logs, and large rocks.she ran with determination, following the strong trail of power.

It was a dark and chilling feeling,almost suffocatingly evil. All of her instincts told her to turn and run the other way. This wasn't the best plan, to just go barreling in hopes of bringing whatever attacked her family down and drag them back down to tartarus.

As she ran the flicker of fire light several paces ahead caught her attention, and she skidded to a halt before she burst out of the tree line into the clearing, her heart hammering in her chest. Inhaling sharply she pressed her body against the trunk of a large tree. Peeking around it and watched the scene in front of her, and her breath caught in her throat.

"They're coming mother!"

In the clearing stood an old worn down house, the land radiates large amounts of power, an enraged type of power, something angry, betrayed and in pain.

In front of the house stood two people,one  of which was very familiar to Percy. She saw them both at the ball barely a day ago. The blonde woman she recognized, she could still see that knowing look in her cold blue eyes and it sent Percy reeling.

The young man sounded panicked.

"No," the blonde woman denied, "It's too soon, the moon is not high enough. Go! Quickly." she turned to two ther people, one of which she recognized as Bonnie, the one who acted weird when she shook her hand when Percy first got to Mystic Falls.

She watched as she and the unknown woman ran inside the run down house. Then she saw them. Klaus and the brunette he was with earlier, plus another much more formally dressed brunette, and they all walked with purpose filled with vicious and defensive intent.

Klaus walked up to the witch's house a newfound rage boiling in his bones as watched his oldest brother defend and protect their mother. A woman who wanted to kill them all, wipe them out, and he too ashamed to accept what he is. To accept what she made them to be. No instead of standing with his family he decided to kill his family.

"Stay behind me, mother," Finn said going to step in front of Esther, both of them surrounded by torches. The woman grabs hold of her eldest son's arm, "It's okay. They can't enter."

As if to prove a point, Kol the youngest of Klaus' male siblings takes several steps forward only for the torches to flare with blinding light and heat causing him to fall back towards his siblings.

"That's lovely. We're stuck out here, while the favourite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are," he all but spits at his brother, disgust and an underlying sense of jealousy lacing his tone.

"Be quiet Kol. your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine." Esther defends her child and Kol scowls, Elijah steps forward, "Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity." Kinslaying in every way shape or form, or any era of time is nothing but disgusting and unjustifiable in almost everywhere imaginable.

Persephone Jackson. (Mystic Falls) Rewritten!!!Where stories live. Discover now