Chapter 25

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(Vote is still going on. I have replaced some of the options because I either thought about it and was like nah or I decided to publish it anyway. So in the lead is WATCH THEM BOW ¥ ARTHUR PENDRAGON.
DREAMING OF REALITY was also in the lead but I published it so those hoping to see its up on my account, first chapter is already up. Please vote it will be very appreciated. Options are at the end of the chapter. Anyway enjoy 😉.)


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"Who did you say you were again?"

The raven haired Italian god looked back From where he lead the group of two humans and an Original vampire.

The god of ghosts simply shrugged his shoulders, "I'm Nico, and the vampire's Finn, the blonde is Matt and you're who ever this Ellie girl is, brother Jeremy, a pleasure I'm sure. Please pick up your pace, Percy's dying and no way am I letting that happen," Nico rambled slightly hiking through the woods to where he could feel large amounts of spiritual energy.

"Why are you so dead set on saving that psycho chick wielding a sword?"

Nico stopped and glared at the blonde mortal in annoyance with his bitter coffee eyes. Matt stopped the boy was younger then he was about thirteen or sixteen he wasn't the tallest. He certainly wasn't the biggest, he was skinny looking but that didn't stop him from being threatening.

Maybe it was the dark hair paired with the dark eyes, maybe it was almost the sickly pale tint to his olive skin. Or maybe it was how he seemed to just suck the  warmth and life from the area around him.

"That "psycho", is my family, watch how you speak," Nico glared, before a sharp smile slid onto his thin features. "Besides, she's not the only one in our family walks around swinging swords, so if I were you, I'd really watch what I say."

They continued through the woods before Jeremy asked, "What are you guys anyway?"

"I don't know what your talking about little Gilbert," Nico shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not stupid. Bonnie is scared of Percy, and if what I heard is right and Esther is channeling her that means she's a witch, if that is true what are you?"

Nico turned his dark eyes to look at him and smirked, "You're smart, little Gilbert, you're right we aren't completely human, and Percy isn't only a witch," Nico explained as the slowly noticed the light flickering ahead of them.

Finn tilted his head curiously.

"I can't speak for Percy but you can call me some sort of spiritual medium," Nico's dark eyes sparkled with amusement as he suddenly disappeared into the darkness.

"Try not to die alright, the quicker we kill her the quicker we can move on."


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