Chapter fourteen

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I know I said yesterday but I got busy but here is your update.


"I have cola."

"Is it blue?"


"Then I don't want it."

"How about some wine?"


"So are you not thirsty?"

"No. I am hungry."


"Hungry," she confirmed with a nod finally looking up at the hybrid from her sketch, her sea green eyes peering into his ice blue ones. It had been nearly an hour since she had eaten the basket of fries and drank the rum and coke. That did nothing for her demigod metabolism.

"So, pizza?" Was Klaus' response.

Percy nodded with a quiet hum, "Pepperoni with extra cheese and crispy crust."

Klaus made a sound of appreciation, "I almost thought you were, the pineapple on pizza type," he said while typing in a number.

Percy dropped her pencil into her lap and pressed an offended hand to her chest, "I take absolute offence to that Niklaus."

Every since he told her his full name she hadn't stopped using it, hoping that if she bugged him enough with it he'd stop calling her Persephone.

It didn't seem to be working.

On the other hand Klaus actually enjoyed when she used his full name. It made him feel elated.

As Klaus ordered the Pizza, Percy took out her phone and texted Leo, who was keeping her posted on the storm that was her mother ripping him apart for being dead.

Klaus watched her chuckle before typing something quickly into her phone.

"Anything else sir?"

Klaus hummed, "Yes some blue cola if you can."

"Did you just ask for blue cola?"

"Yes find some, that will be all."

With that Klaus hang up the phone and studied the girl, "You said you just found out you were a witch, correct?"

"Mhmm," The demigod hummed as her pencil moved back and forth faster shading deeply.

"So does that mean you haven't done a real spell yet?"

Percy looked up from her sketch, "No."

Klaus smiled, "Find the kitchen in cupboard above the sink are a few candles grab as many as you can I'll be right back." The Hybrid pointed in the vague direction of the kitchen before taking off.

Percy blinked before getting, "Okay, but if I get lost in this monster house I swear," She grumbled before padding her way towards the kitchen her bare feet slapping softly against the marble flooring.

She found the kitchen surprisingly fast, "Where did he say they were again?" She mumbled to herself walking into the kitchen.

So she began searching.

"Well isn't this an odd sight?"

Percy was quick in grabbing a hold of the knife from the block on the counter and whirling around to face the man in a suit.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"I'm Percy."

Persephone Jackson. (Mystic Falls) Rewritten!!!Where stories live. Discover now