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So when it comes to this story it was written in first person, but as a writer I like to write from third's perspective.

I'll post the original chapters but I'll make just a few changes. Like for a fact I really, really dislike Elena she just a slightly smarter and more suicidal version of Bella swan.

Yes, yes I know that I made an Elena fanfic thinking I could make her better and smarter but realized that she's a FUCKING LOST CAUSE. So I'm gonna switch everything around.

Oh and Percy I'm gonna make start to dislike Elena during her time with the Scooby gang and all.

Maybe just maybe thinking of changing her love interest so just comment or send me a message and we'll see.

See y'all later Chocoholics.


(Yeah also thinking of changing my name.) 🤔

My profile has nothing to do with chocolate. Wtf?

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