This is not an update but this is important to me.

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Okay, so I know y'all are expecting an update for this story, don't worry there will be one tomorrow but I really need to bring this up. Like I seriously need to bring this up.


This is absolute bullshit. Like absolute bullshit, I tend to not pay attention to the shit Trisha Paytas says because in my opinion, she nothing but trolling trash.

She's a troll we all know this. Heck I know this but I can't fucking stand this bitch any longer. I mean like Wtf. She needs to stopped. She needs to cancelled fast, the shit that she's pulling is going too far and it's actually scaring me.

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about (If you don't you obviously haven't been on any type of social media in the past few days.) Recently like about a few weeks ago, Anthony Padilla uploaded a video to his series "I spent a day with:" the video was him spending time with and interviewing people with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), it's a really informative video on this mental illness and just a wholesome video to watch.

Small little definition: Dissociative Identity Disorder, is of course a Dissociative disorder, caused by repeated childhood trauma, averaging before the age of nine before a personality is fully developed. In a way to "protect" itself the brain dissociates to cope with the trauma, thus the multiple alters or personalities. It used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder, but that is no longer the correct term.

So anyway, he had a small group of people with DID come in and one of the most recognizable was Nin or DissociDID (That's What her system is called)who has their own channel on YouTube that is very informative and very engaging. So this video was on trending for a while and of course TRISHA caught wind of this. So this bitch goes on YouTube on her living room floor (Like always) and claims that she has SELF DIAGNOSED DID.

Like usual she goes in one of her rants, talks about Anthony's video, about her own alters and crap and then calls DissociaDID crazy.

DissociaDID, did a reaction video on Trisha video and when I tell you my heart broke when I saw their face is a goddamn understatement. They looked so heart broken when the word crazy fell from Trisha's lips and I never wanted to punch someone in the face so hard. DissociaDID is someone who went through REPEATED CHILDHOOD TRAUMA, meaning that someone did something absolutely horrid to her as a child repeatedly and having her system was her defence towards that trauma, and just seeing her face and hearing her voice when Trisha called her "crazy" was just ...... ugh!

I don't know how Nin was able to be so respectful educating Trisha on what DID is. Like props to her for being so informative, so kind and like respectful to someone who obviously holds no respect for her.

God I'm not making any sense, let me just get to it, right?

So pretty much what I am angry about is the misinformation Trisha's videos have spread and the stigma that has come with it or has been reinforced because of it. DID or any type of Mental Illness is not something to be taken lightly, it not something to be made fun of, taken advantage or spreading stigma upon.

What Trisha is doing has contributed to the stigma and the misinformation around Mental illness in general and it actually scares me okay. Like legit scares me. Because of people like Trisha people Nin and her system or anyone else with mental illness do not seek help.

She's the reason why people look one another in the eyes and call each other "crazy" when they are in need of help when they're opening themselves up. It is absolutely damaging to anyone with a fragile state of mind and it heart breaking to think about.

I may not be the best person to spread info about mental illness but I'm smart enough to know when someone is spreading misinformation and I am smart enough to educate myself in the topic.

Trisha's video delivered a huge blow to a community just beginning to step into the light and educate people on who they are and it's heart breaking seeing comments or tweets about how it seems they took two steps forward and just because of one blonde bitch with fake tits get pushed back four more.

And don't even get me started on that dumbass video she uploaded. I....just can't physically stand to watch someone so misinformed do things that make a mockery out of something so devastatingly real. Like it's just absolutely disgusting.

Just please, guys PLEASE, PLEASE educate yourself. There are so many banks of knowledge on this Disorder. YouTube channels, websites, articles.

Just please guys educate yourself. Don't be like Trisha. Don't demean Mental health, don't contribute towards this stigma and misinformation.

Just please don't.

It's three in the morning, ignore my spelling errors, I'm tired but I couldn't sleep without getting this off my chest. So if this feels choppy and kind of incomprehensible it because I am running on fumes but I meant everything I said.

Here are Anthony and DissociaDID's videos if you want to watch them (No way am am I linking Trisha's videos here.) :

-Chocoholic ✌🏿

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