Should he tell him? Then a thought came Kokliang was always studious so he might know answers for his confusions...

Gulf: huh p' I have some doubts!! Can you clear me...

Kok: sure if I know..

Gulf: p' is all the slaves beta?

Kok: yes

Gulf: why p'?

Kok: hmm because Alpha's can control them...

Gulf: why not omegas?

Kok: omegas can get very weak and cannot work sometime but most probably my thought was that they can be abused easily physically, mentally or even sexually so the ancestors came up with this...

Gulf: cant they come up with no slaves!!! It would have been better..

Kok: Maybe you can change that, My prince

Both Gulf and Kokliang smiled at each other..

Gulf: even though they are Beta how can they be controlled by omegas... p'Gun said their energy is also very low, why is that?

Kok: they are slaves N'Gulf... they were tamed to be obedient through series of punishment... the punishment initially weaken their wolf who is protecting them... and when they weaken the masters that train them put the shackles on them

Gulf: shackles?

Kok: yes the shackles are made up of Valyrian steal with some encryptions spell on them to break the bond between the Wolf and the human form...

Gulf: isn't it cruel... for us the wolf's are the life source.... isn't it similar to killing...

Kok: who said the world is fair... yes its cruel... but to some the slaves are just products that can be sold for profit... the shackles break the bond but doesnt kill the wolf... the wolf will be always present in them...

Gulf: so if we break the shackles, we can free them?

Kok: yes.... but breaking the shackles is not easy...

Gulf: what do you mean by that...

Kok: the suppressed wolf may go into rage and can even kill powerful and innocent lives... there are several steps to be followed before breaking the shackles...

Gulf: so how to do it...

Kok: I dont know

Gulf: u dont know?

Kok: I was not interested in these... so I didnt read it... I just learnt some facts for knowledge but I think our royal library has some texts about it... if you want you can read it...

Gulf made a face when he heard the word 'read' which made Kokliang laugh... Gulf was always an athletic one..


Both of them turned to the new voice..

"P'Hiter" both said in unison...

He bowed to the prince and said, "Chief of staff asked me to inform that he is planning to punish Mew, he has requested your presence to witness the statement"..

Gulf was quite for sometime, does he want to witness this? But he wanted to go and talk to chief to reduce the punishment whatever he has in his mind.... so he nodded at them and started to walk...

Hiter started to follow him, but was stopped by Gulf.. " you can stay here with your mate"

"But prince..."

"Iam going to be inside the palace and with chief of staff, so you dont have to worry, you can stay here"...

With that said Gulf walked towards the chief's work place inside the palace with a uneasy heart...

Under the Stars and Moonlight (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now