the story of shinee orstranda

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At a young age, shinee was always alone. His parents worked and hard to live in comfort. They often had to leave there son alone in the hands of a baby sitter, to his dismay. The babysitter was young and she spent more time with her boyfriend in the house then shinee.
When they moved he had hoped it would change but nothing did. So he grew up to be a quiet and shy boy to have no friends of his own.
Playing ball in the back by age 10, he had his eyes peered down to slightly kick it About.
Looking up his mother had come outside to stand in front of him. He looked with a smile then disappeared at her sorrowful expression. She had promised shinee to stay and play but with that expression he knew better.
With a quick and tight hug to turned to leave.
Peering his eyes down, he kicked the ball and hard where it hit the house then went to the neighbors back yard.
Sighing he needed to retrieve it.
Going through the bushes, he stop for a mere moment to see a boy looking down at the ball.
Shinee cocked his head to the side looking him over, to part His lips.
He could see a big bruise on his face.
Grimacing, he went forth to talk to him.
After an afternoon of play, shinee came home to go straight to his room to smile.
This kovit seemed like a nice boy but what happened too him?
Has the years passed the two did not go to the same school, even though they wished too, never hung out, other then the back yard.
Every now and then shinee would see fresh bruises on kovits face but he would remind him not to ask.
Since there rooms were to each other, shinee sometimes saw through his window how he got those bruises.
One day at age 12, shinee laid his back to the wall, to hear the argument and the hits, tears went down shinee's face. He wished to be able to do something.
Hearing the quiet, he turned to look through the window to see kovit sit on the edge of his bed looking down, but he never cried.
Shinee made a noise to get kovits attention.
He looked immediately to smile. Shinee cocked his head to the side. Kovit nodded.
Moments later they went to the backward to sit on the brick wall, shinee had brought some lafy taffy, they both consumed has kovit kept his head hung, eyes down, kicking his legs.
Shinee looked to him to see the bruise.
Kovit signed to look up, keeping his head forward.
"Shinee....i have told you....don't stare."
Shinee gritted his teeth.
"Kovit....your father..."
He shook his head.
"Don't want to talk about it. How has school been going for you shinee?"
He signed to bring up his hand to hold kovits. Kovit peered his eyes too there hand holding to look up at shinee confused by the action.
There eyes darted.
Kovit gulped then jumped down. Shinee watched with wide eyes.  He looked to him.
"Mmm i need to go in."
Kovit knew what would come next and he did not want to get hit again....not tonight.
In His house hold, after a touch like that would come the punch.
He stopped to look back at shinee who looked to him with sadness.
"Mmm.....i.....need to go in.I'm.... sorry."
Turning he went in.
Shinee signed.
He was growing feelings for kovit, but the two never spoke really of his home life or what he was going through. They only Hung out just like this.
Shinee brought up his hand that held kovits to smile.
It was still his touch.
A few more years passed and there relationship remained the same. Shinee could tell kovit was very sheltered, he never left his house, didn't have any friends and all his lessons were inside. He felt very bad for kovit.
The few times he saw him out with his family, he would have his head hung, with a fresh bruise upon him. Shinee never could understand why his father would do such a thing and why his mother did nothing.
Being young, shinee really didn't know what to do to help kovit. Has the years went by shinee knew of the harnaru's and sometimes people disappeared.
Shinee wanted to stay by kovit, even if he had to play ignorant to the abuse and not do anything about it.
Maybe when we turn 18 things will be different.
By 15, before school began, shinee met kovit by the wall, to see his bruise and it was bad. He couldn't stop himself but kiss him.
Unforententally, he did not know his father had come home early, has he was being pulled by his hair, he looked to kovit on the floor in pain, his heart ached.
Kovits father then pulled him along to next door. Shinee struggled.
"Let me go! I want to go back to kovit! Stop this!"
Kovits father chuckled darkly has he pulled him along to his front porch to turn him to his face.
"You are never too see my son again you fucking faggot!"
Shinees eyes widen.
being unlocked, he opened to drag shinee along to find his parents to the living room doing there work they both stood up.
He then threw shinee to his knees in front of them, breathing heavily. He brought up his hands to rub his head.
Shinees mother went to him to cradle looking up at the father.
"What the hell! Who are you! Why are you..."
There eyes widen has kovits father pulled out a gun to aim it to them.
"I am kovits father. Your son and mine have Been meeting for years now. I allowed it til today. Your faggot son was kissing mine! This is what is going to happen. You are to move by the end of this month. Or i will financially ruin you and make sure your son here does not have a future! You shinee stay the hell away from my son or i will go after your parents!"
Putting the gun back he smiled wickedly to then turn to deal with kovit.
Shinee looked to his father to grimance.
Taking her hands to shinee face she brought it up. There eyes darted.
"Is this true?"
Shinee gulped.
" him mom."
The father signed then turned to make some phone calls. His parents knew of the harnaru's and not to mess with them. His father was making the arrangements to move.
His mother gulped to sign pulling shinee to her chest to rub his back.
"Oh shinee....I'm so sorry. You...can never see him again."
Shinee cried into his mother's chest.
In that months time, the two stayed away from each other, kovit spent some time in the hospital and shinee was forced to stay with a family friend.
By the day he moved, kovit was sitting on the porch steps to look to the side to see them part.
Getting up he ran to the outer gate, to twist his fingers Around to look at shinee getting in the car.
Stopped for a moment, the two looked to each other, eyes darted with sadness.
Shinee mother signed to get out of the passenger side to push shinee in to close the door. The two still kept eye contact.
His mother went to kovit, there eyes darted.
"If you truly feel anything for my son shinee, please let him go."
Kovits lips parted He hung.his head to nod.
Shinee's eyes darted has his mother got back in the car.
"What.....what did you say to him mom!"
"Nothing that he didn't already know."
Shinee breathed heavily heart raced. To turn to look out the window has they drove off. Kovit was not there.
After a few years more, shinee went to another school, branched out and even dated one other but he couldn't get passed kovit.
He had tried to no avail to contact kovit, but because of his farther and knowing of hackers he made sure shinee could not find or contact his son and vis versa. Kovit tried has well to no avail.
By 22, shinee was a successful medical intern, making his rounds in the er.
At home, he lived alone, made a few friends,other then one when he was 16, shinee didn't date. Kovit was always on his mind especially when he was able to find out he was married to a guy named gulf masuku since he was 16.
It pained shinee because he wished it was him.
After a shower, he went to his desk to try and find anything about kovit. He did this every so often. Sometimes he couldn't find anything other times he could find a few mentions of him.
With his parents safely in there own home far away shinee has of late was trying to find kovit.
For years, kovits fathers threat haunted the orstranda's to.where, even though it killed him, shinee stayed away. Not has if he could find him on the internet anyway, shinee at one point went to there old family home but kovit and them had since moved.
Shinee couldn't really find anything on kovit which would lead him to where he was, even his father was a recluse, always changing things so he couldn't be found.
In a months time, shinee's eyes Widen when he found out that kovit was going through a divorce and a restraining order.
"Restraining order?"
Moving back, he read of the date, time and location.
"Kovit....i think its time for me to come back."
Looking over at what he found, shinee was a bit nervous.
" still the boy i fell in love with kovit or....did you change into your father?"
Shinee honestly didn't know but he missed kovit.

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