my little piece of happiness

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Come Monday, gulf. During the weekend, didn't have a real chance too heal. Kovit kept him busy has usual. He was a sadist who loved to see gulf stumble about in pain. During the day, gulf felt a bit better, too the point he could do all his chores without a wince. His mind was on the fact he was going too see mew. Never showing a smile around kovit, he kept having a slight one when he wasent around. Gulf mentally kicked himself at that fact. Kovit just has too see you smile once to probably make you wind up in the hospital.
By 230, gulf and kovit sat for lunch, gulf had to constantly be on guard with his emotions, never too show them. Peering his eyes up, it was time for him too go. Up, with his dish, kovit grabbed gulf tightly by the wrist. Gulf winced in pain, he kept his head hung.
Kovit, narrowed his eyes.
"Remember what we discussed on friday my wife!"
He flexed his hand to cause more pain. Gulf winced again.
He nodded.
Kovit cocked his head too the side eyeing gulfs private region. He never could make gulf hard. Rolling his eyes, he let go.
"Better be off. Sick of looking at you."
He chuckled darkly.
"You better not think for one minute that teacher of yours could ever be interested in a loser such has yourself. you should just give yourself fully too me.I'm the only one who could...."
Gulf gritted his teeth.
He then proceeded to the kitchen, placing his dish in the sink too take in a deep inhale. You are such a piece of shit, kovit. Turning he walked in haste too leave. Least, i can get away from him.... for now.
Hesitating only for a moment he looked at the house. It was mews, he worked from home.Gulf smiled at that fact.
Walking to the door mew answer with a smile. Gulf gulped.
"Um.... Where's your secretary?"
"Mmm off today."
Gulf nodded.
Mew moved away and gulf entered. The lessons began. Oddly, he felt very comfortable.
Monday Wednesday and Friday became gulfs favorite days.
When.He got home however, he was expressionless and kept his head hung.
Kovit some days would ask gulf if he'd been touched and gulf would roll his eyes. Then kovit would re tell gulf, mew could never like someone has pathetic and dumb has him..
Gulf took it too heart on some days but when he was around mew and his positivity, everything he had to endure at home seemed just a bad dream.
3 months passed and it was nothing but business, koviet started to stop the beatings and stopped asking the question.
On friday at mews house during there lesson. He heard gulfs stomach growl.has. he sat on the floor, doing an English page.
Mew stood from the couch, to go to the kitchen making them. Something to eat.
Coming back, gulf had his head on his hand.
Mew smiled.
Has he came in.He placed the bowl of fruit on the table between them. He sat down eyeing gulfs work.Gulf wasent bad at learning a different language.
Moments passed and gulf didn't even look at the food. Mews eyed darted.
" know this is for you right."
Gulfs eyes opened wide.
He put down.his pencil to eye the food.
" you."
Both placed there hand in trying to grab a grape. There hands laid on one another. They eyed each other for a moment.
Gulf gulped and took back his hand looking down at the booklet.
Mew took his hand back with a grape.
He brought it up to place it in front of gulfs lips. Gulfs eyes widen.
"I... heard your stomach. You need to eat."
He breathed in shakily.
Opening his mouth a bit, mew placed the grape inside, retreating his hand back.
He kept his eyes on gulf has he chewed.
"Thank you. Bbut i don't need to be fed." Gulf stuttered.
Mew cocked his head to the side eyeing gulfs wrist.

"Gulf...could we.... be impersonal for a moment?"

Gulf gulped he eyed the clock on the wall. It was 5. He couldn't leave yet. If he did kovit would think the worst.

"Um....i guess. Umm why?"

"I've....been meaning too ask. Why did you leave school?'

Gulf hung his head eyes darted.

He had to say the lie koviet taught too him.

"After my.parents passing i....just couldn't anymore. I.... finished everything online"

Mew nodded.

"What's the story between you and kovit?"

Gulf flexed his jaw.

"I....think that is too impersonal mr. Parou."

Mew signed. He looked to gulfs wrist really looking at it. He had purplish bruised marks. Feeling a bit of sadness for gulf, mew brought up.his hand he placed his index finger touching it.

Gulfs eyes instantly peered too the action. He gulped.

"What....happened here?"

"I....hit myself while throwing something away. I'm clumsy."

Mew gritted his teeth.

He could tell gulf was lying.

Getting up he went back to the kitchen. Gulf was confused.

Hearing his stomach, he ate a few more grapes

Mew came back to sit closer, placing a freezer bag on the bruise.

Gulf eyed it. His heart thumped unevenly in his chest.

"Uuum Thank you bbut. It's already healing. I....don't feel any pain."

Mew nodded.

He did not remove the bag.

They stayed like that. Gulf was stupidly loving every minute. Mew hand was wrapped around his arm a bit tight, looking down, keeping his eyes on the bag.

After a few more minutes he took it off too place it on the table. With both hands he massage the wrist.

Gulf watched with his heart feeling like it was going too explode.

Mew looked up. They both looked to each other eyes darted.

"Mmm better?"

Gulfs lips parted. He nodded.

"Yes. Thank you."

Mew started to lean his body close to gulfs. His eyes widen in shock. This could not be real.

Gulf leaned his head back taking his arm away.mew was confused by the action.

Gulf breathed in shakily.

He had too tell mew the truth, even though it hurt his heart.

"I'm.....married to kovit mew. I.... Can't."

Shouldn't even be allowing you too touch me.

Mew looked down eye brows furrowed.

Gulf gritted his teeth to the harsh reality he was in.

Mew looked back to to gulf..

"I....know. I read about it. Something.... seems off to me, about how you two married."

Gulfs eyes widen.

He quickly got up feeling ashamed and disgusted with himself. Mew eyed him.

" to go. If....i can't be your student anymore i understand."

Gulf quickly rushed out.

Mew watched him go with narrowed eyes.

"Why.....cant you be my student anymore?"

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