finally some peace

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The two ate in full at mews parents house, has mew packed some of his old clothes for gulf and gathered some of his father's for himself, he waited behind gulf for them to part.
His mother hugged tightly to gulf while his father stood behind.
"You two take care of each other okay.....please be safe."
They parted to look to one another holding hands.
"I promise nothing bad will come to your son mrs. Parou."
Mew rolled his eyes to take a step towards gulf placing a hand to his shoulder.
"Mom....we will be fine. I know better."
He nodded.
She smiled to nod.
Letting there hands drop mew held gulfs, he hung his head for his ears to turn red. He was still a bit uncomfortable showing affection in front of mews parents.
His mother stepped back for his father to wrap his arms around. They both smiled.
So cute, his mother thought.
"Well, we should be off. I made sure to get us a hotel a few hours away from here on my Burner cell."
They nodded.
"Gulf.....try not to worry okay. Everything bad that has happened is behind you. Try to have fun and be happy."
Gulf gulped and gave a grimanced. He had his doubts about that.
Pulling gulf gently behind, they got into the car to wave. The parents waved back.
Gulf looked out the window to bit his thumb nail in nervousness. Kovit would receive these documents in a week and they would have to go before a judge at some point.
Truthfully, gulf wished to never see kovit again but that is not the reality.
Stopping at a light, mew peered his eyes too the side to see gulf hyperventilate a bit.
Sighing, he brought up his hand to intertwine there's.
Gulf turned his head to look down then to mew. He smiled wide, leaning his head to the side.
"I know why your worrying. However, gulf until you receive an email that he has be served. Can we pretend to be on vacation? Just to have it be you and me?"
Gulf smiled.
Bringing his arm around his shoulder, gulf shuffled a bit too lean his head to mews chest looking forward.
"I.....can try."
Mew kissed his head and drove when the light turned green.
To the hotel, even through protest, mew brought up the two suitcases, and gulf flopped on the bed happy his rib was not hurting him at that moment.
Mew looked down after placing them to the side to smile wide seeing gulf look at peace.
Going onto the bed he laid to his side, to gently take off the bandage, gulf winced a bit.
Off, mew crumbled it up to threw it wherever to lightly touch it.
Mew gritted his teeth in anger.
"Gulf.....this is the last mark he will ever place on your body."
Gulf took a deep breathe in.
"Mmmm maybe."
Mew looked to gulfs calm.expression, his eyes were closed, arms above his head.
Gulf signed.
"Mew......He has told me he will never allow me to actually leave him.....i.....have hope but......."
Gulf shakily breathed in and out.
Mews eyes darted.
Leaning his head forward he started to place little kisses on the mark. Going lower he started to kiss gulfs neck then started to suck a bit too leave a mark of his own.
Gulf slightly smirked.
"Mmm what.....what are you doing?"
Mew smiled.
"I'm.....making a happy mark upon your okay?"
Gulf smiled wider.
"Mmm I'd.....rather you Make my lips swollen with yours."
Mew lightly chuckled.
" being a bit naughty.  Gulf?"
"Mmm maybe."
Gulf turned his head to open his eyes looking to mew.
Mew raised his head to rub his bottom lip on gulfs.
"Just the two of us....for this month. Agreed?"
"I'll.....try Mew....but...."
Mew rubbed his bottom lip to his once more to slowly get on top to hover, gulf brought his hands to his chest, there eyes darted.
Mew lowered himself to run his thumbs on gulfs cheeks has he moved his arms up to wrap them around mews neck.
"You....are so kind and gentle to me mew......thank you so much....i....just...."
Gulfs chin started to quiver, he closed his eyes to let a few tears fall. Mew frowned a bit and kissed the sides of his eyes then leaned back up to wipe the tears away from.his face.
" deserve kindness and gentleness and love. We deserve each other. If....i had known you had no other place to go.....i would have found a way for you to have come and lived with me, has i said. My feelings really grew for you after the bathroom."
Gulfs eyes opened wide, lips parted, heart raced.
" telling me the truth?"
Mew smiled and nodded.
"I am so sorry gulf i could not have Been there for you back then. I am here for you now. I really do love you and want us to be together but i will not push it. After everything you have delt with.....him.....i..."
Mews eyes widen.
Gulf had leaned up to place his mouth on his.
Parting, gulf looked to mew with lust filled eyes.
"Mew......please make love too me......"
Mew smiled widely.
Leaning his head down they gave each other very deep kisses.
I love you so much mew. I never ever wish to be with anyone but you. I....only hope we can be. I know kovit will not allow this.....not easily anyway.

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