the kiss

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Gulf woke early the next morning, he was in the shower head hung, feeling a bit worried about leaving his room. He did not know what he was going too face today. Gulf knew after what he said too kovit, even though it was justifiable, he would do something horrible too him.
Taking a deep breathe, the shower water had turned cold. Signing, he turned off and stepped out getting dressed.
Looking himself over in the mirror, this was kovits favorite suit he had picked out for gulf. Maybe this would lessen anything he had in store for him.
Stepping, to the door gulf hesitated with his hand to the nob. Another deep, but shaky breathe he opened.
Kovit was no where in sight but that ment little.
Closing the door, gulf proceeded in caution. To the kitchen, so far everything seemed fine. He started on kovits favorite breakfest. Gulf was trying his hardest to put kovit in a happy mood.
Plating, gulf sat to wait. If he ate first, kovit would be very upset. Gulf shook his head. He hated with a passion how much control kovit had over him. However, 2 years ago, being rebellious, he wouldn't leave his room for a period of time. Eventually, kovit took it down and everyday he was locked in there, kovit beat him. Making kovit mad seemed too excite him and gulf did not want that.
Keeping his eyes to the table, kovit made his way down in silence. Sitting, he dug right in not caring.
Gulf then ate slowly, waiting for it.
Throughout the whole meal, they ate in silence.
After kovit was done he got up.
"Complete the dishes, then follow me outside, we have a full day."
Gulf kept his head hung, nodding.
Kovit then went around to place his head on gulfs shoulder.
"Don't think for one minute you won't receive a punishment for last night you piece of human waste!" Kovit placed his hand to grip gulfs hair tight making him wince.
Kovit placed his mouth to gulfs cheek breathing a bit heavily.
Gulfs head was leaned up, they both breathed heavily, gulf closed his eyes hearing the disgusting sound. Kovit was masturbating while he heard gulf wince in pain.
"Mmmm" kovit shivered.
"Before the dishes. Clean my seed from the floor."
He pushed gulfs head forward to depart.
Gulfs body quivered. You are a sick bastard kovit, what the hell is wrong with you!
Taking a deep breathe. Gulf grabbed his napkin, made extra sure.he didn't touch anything. Placing the napkin on the plate, he gathered both then went to the kitchen to clean.
After, the only thing he had in his mind the whole day was mews lips on his. It helped him get through being close too kovit.
By the end, it was 11 and gulf was spent but he needed to go through the paperwork. Sitting in the living room, kovit came down to sit next to gulf looking at the stacks.
Gulf paid him no mind.
Kovit looked to gulf cocking his head with a slight smirk.
Leaning his head forward, gulf looked up, just to squeeze his eyes tightly shut, gritting his teeth. Kovit took a bit.
Gulf instinctively pushed kovit away to stand placing his hand too his cheek, in pain.
"What the hell!"
Kovit licked his lips.
"Told you, you were going to be punished."
Gulf breathed heavily.
"Mmm what should i get tonight gulf....."
Kovit leaned forward, to grab gulfs hand to place it on his stiff member.
Gulf instantly opened his eyes and gulped, taking his hand away.
He stood there breathing heavily
His eyes darted, shaking his head.
"You......are....a.....sick man kovit!"
Moving with haste, gulf went too the kitchen to retrieve a cold pack to place it on his cheek.
Walking with speed, he kept his eyes on kovits back, has he went upstairs to his room.
Locking his door, tears fell.
Gulf undressed to fall asleep with the ice pack to his cheek.
The next morning, gulf looked his face over in the mirror. There were bite marks and it was a pale purplish bruise. Looking down, kovit had bought him make up for such occasions. Taking a breathe, gulf covered has best has he could.
At breakfest, kovit kept his eyes on gulfs face.
"Mmm the make up is top notch. bruise?"
Gulf looked too kovit in anger. He rolled his eyes, too grab there dishes. Kovit grabbed gulfs wrist tight.
"Do.....i have to tell you not to say anything to your tutor when you see him later?"
Gulf nodded.
"I..... know not to say anything."
Kovit nodded letting go.
He motioned with his head for gulf too part.
Sitting at mews, eyes looking at the English words, gulf spent the whole time worrying over kovit, that he didn't put much thought into there accident kiss. However, mew seemed normal, didn't seem too bother him. Maybe just something, by mew to make gulf feel better.
Come on, do you really think mew likes you in that way gulf? Like you have liked him since high school? He knows your married, knows you have a bad home life. Mew.....probably just doing this because he pity you.
Gulf gritted his teeth has he thought that.
Mew kept too the couch, with his computer, to every once in the while, looked to gulf. He had no idea what he was thinking about, mew had no idea how to talk about what happened Monday.
Gulping, mew placed his computer too the side, up, he went too his kitchen too make them a fruit bowl. They only had an hour left. Has usual, gulf didn't ask for a thing.
Completing the fruit bowl, he also had a cup of water for him.
Coming round, he sat next to gulf placing the bowl and water to the table. A little splashed too his cheek.
Gulf slightly smiled feeling the water.
Mew slightly chuckled.
Gulf shrugged.
"My head so close too the table."
Moving his body away, gulf forgetting the make up, brushed the water away.
He kept his eyes too the booklet, to grab from the side, a piece of fruit. Mew took a piece has well. Turning his head, he chewed slowly, to see a light bruise mark on gulfs cheek.
Mews eyes widen, he breathed heavily.
Bringing up his hand he placed it under gulf chin to lean his head to the side pulling it a bit too him.
Gulfs eyes darted.
Mew examined gulfs cheek.
His other hand came up and he wipped off more make up.
Gulfs eyes widen, he gulped.
He took his head out of mews hands bringing up his own to cover the spot looking at mew, eyes darted.
"Did.....did he do that to you?"
Gulf turned his head, he looked down.
"I....don't know...."
Instantly, mew got up to walk in haste to his kitchen.
Gulf sat breathing heavily, heart raced.
Back, mew moved gulfs hand gently down to place a cold pack to his cheek.
Gulf kept his eyes closed. Mew kept his eyes on gulf.
"You need to go to the police gulf. He shouldn't..."
Gulf shook his head.
"Mew.... please....don't."
Mew took a deep breathe in.
Placing the pack down, he saw more of the bit mark.
His lips parted. Leaning his head up he placed his lips gently too the bruise. Gulf squeezed his eyes tighter. Kovit words came in his mind.
"Don't let him. touch you"
Gulfs eyes opened wide. He moved his head away.
Mew leaned his head away.
Gulfs eyes darted.
"Uuuuum....we should...."
Mew looked down gulfs hands shook on the table on top of the booklet.
Mew brought up his hand to place it over his hand. Gulf looked too mew, lips parted.
There eyes darted.
Mew brought up his other hand too run his thumb across gulfs bottom lip.
Gulf stopped shaking.
Mew took a deep breathe in and leaned his face up to lock there lips.
Gulf closed his eyes. Mew moved his head slighty back.
"Mmm could....could you open your mouth for me gulf?"
Gulfs body shuttered.
Your.....Making a mistake here gulf....don't....what would....
Just almost thinking of the name, gulf slowly opened his mouth.
Mew gulped.
"I'm....not forcing you gulf. This is your decision."
With a deep breathe, gulf was the one who leaned forward. Mew smiled then closed his eyes.
Slowly, mew placed his tongue into gulfs willingly opened mouth, shaking a bit.
Mew with his tip ran it along, gulfs top of his tongue, making him moan just a bit. This was surreal. It felt like a dream. This action made all of gulfs troubles seem to disappear.
Gulf moved his tongue a bit but it mainly stayed down. Mew did all the work. By the end of it, he with the tip, took it too the roof of his mouth, to drag it slowly. Gulfs body shuttered and he got hard.
Opening his eyes they widen.
With his free hand, he pushed mew away, to breathe heavily looking to the booklet. What the hell are you allowing gulf! Kovit, if he finds out....
Gulfs body quivered, eyes darted.
Mew looked too the side with a slight smile. There one hands were til together.
Taking calming breathes, with his free hand, mew wrapped it around gulfs head to pull him down to his chest, putting him to his heart.
Gulf closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. He fought and hard against the tears.
This.....all didn't seem real. Why was mew doing this? Did he like me? Is it because he pity me?
Gulf took in deep breathes, trying not to think. All he wanted was mews warmth, even if it stemmed from pity.
Mew stroked gulfs head, hating the fact he had to go back to kovit.
He did not know what this man was doing too him but there had to be a way out for gulf.
They sat like that in silence. Mew peered his eyes to the side seeing his clock. It was almost time. He held gulf tighter.
Gulf jumped when he heard his alarm go off.
With a deep inhale he leaned up.
There eyes darted.
Gulf had so.many questions but he had too go.
He looked to the side, gulping.
Pulling himself away he got up to go, he stood still for a moment.
"Gulf....please take care of yourself. Ill....see you Friday."
Gulf closed his eyes, taking a deep breathe.
" Friday."
Gulf parted.
Mew looked to the glass of water to pick it up throwing it too the wall in anger. He hated kovit. There had to be something he could do for gulf.
Gulf did not deserve this.
" love with you gulf.....kovit.....your a heartless bastard for what you have done to him! Ill.....find a way out for you gulf! I will"

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