exploding on the wrong person

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The two were busy mixing ingredients together. Gulf had a slight smile on.his face. Would it have been like this if i never met kovit? Could
I have gotten over my fear in high school and told mew my feelings, would we have became a couple?
Gulf shook his head, your day dreaming again. Stop it. You are.....
Gulf Made a grimance.
Mew was too the side, with a mixing bowl, he peered his eyes too the side to eye gulf. Looking him up and down, he didn't take off his suit.
Leaving tyre bowl, mew went around, to place his hands about, unbuttoning his jacket. Gulf shook, he stopped mixing.
"Mew? What are you....uum?"
"You don't need to wear a suit while making cookies." He lightly chuckled.
Gulf leaned his arms behind has mew took.off his jacket to step to a chair placing it over.
He eyed mew.
"Mmm thank you."
Mew turned and went back too gulf. Standing near, he brought up each arm too roll up the sleeves. Gulf kept his eyes down, watching the action.
His brows furrowed.
"Mmm thank you."
Mew shrugged.
"Do.....you always dress formal when baking?"
Gulf took.his arm back and turned his body to go back to mixing. Mew peered up to see gulf twitching a bit.
"You....don't bake....do you gulf?"
Gulf signed deeply.
"I.....think we are on the next step.....the dough."
Mew nodded.
Stepping back he got his bowl to stand closer too gulf.
They both emptied them on the wax paper.
Moving the bowls away.they started to roll the dough.
Mew turned his body to go to a drawer to get the cookie cutters.
Gulf chuckled when he saw them.
They were all the same shape.
Mew smiled.
" Why are they all the same?"
"Mmm i got these from my mother. Maybe.you and i can go to a store and get different ones. We can make story....with a sun one....maybe make flowers."
Gulf but his lip.
"You....know i can't."
Mew flattened the dough in silence.
For awhile it was nothing but silence. The room.was filled with awkwardness.
The two then started to place the shapes on trays.
Gulf cocked his head too the side with a slight smile.
"I.....haven't done this since being with my....thank you mew."
Mew smiled then he looked too gulf, who kept his eyes down on the cookie tray.
"Gulf....i know it's the anniversary of there....how....how are you feeling today?"
Gulf closed his eyes, he took a deep inhale.
Mews eyes widen, then he looked too the table at the flour. He got an playful idea. Taking his index finger he placed it in then ran.his finger on gulfs nose. His eyes opened wide.
Mew took a step back with a smile.
Gulfs eyes narrowed. Peering his eyes down, he did the same. The next 30 minutes, gulf had genuine fun. They horsed around and got each other bad with the flour.
They both sat on the floor, laughing. Gulf picked up a bit and threw it in the air, nothing got on mew. Mew moved his head anyway. Has the laughter died down, reality sank in. Gulfs eyes widen at his shirt.
Mew nodded.
"Don't worry.....i have the exact same in my bedroom. Itll be a little big but with your jacket you should be fine."
Gulf nodded.
He looked Around.
"Mmm let me clean up, you can put the cookies in."
Mew shook his head.
"You.....change your shirt, i will clean and put the cookies in."
Gulf cocked his head too the side.
"Mew i can..."
He stood up, shaking his head, holding a hand out.
Gulfs lips parted.
Rolling his eyes he grabbed mews hand. They stood there, both eyeing. Mew rubbed his thumb on gulfs.
Gulfs body shivered, he took his hand back, head hung.
"Uuum....which room is..."
Mew looks too the side.
"2nd room on the left. It....should be in my closet."
Gulf nodded.
Turning he parted.
Mew placed his arms to his side shaking his head. Stepping to the trays he took them too the oven too place them in for an hour. Looking to the clock it was 5. They only had two hours left.
Mew hated this. He hated what kovit had done to gulf. In high school gulf never shook nor quivered. What the hell does kovit do to you gulf?
Sighing, mew saw himself.
Parting, he needed to change his shirt has well.
Opening the door, gulf in surprise and shock turned around with mews shirt on, not button, reveling his chest.
There eyes darted, mew peered down, lips parted. Gulf looked to mew confused then he looked down, too gulp. There was a light purple bruise too where kovit kneed him.
Gulf looked too the side, brows furrowed, he was embrassed.
Mew stepped too him, eyes down too get on his knees placing either hand to his side's. Gulfs eyes widen, he turned his head to look down. Eyes darted.
Mew leaned his head forward to place his lips on the bruise making gulf wince a bit.
He gulped.
Mew leaned back, eyes darted towards the bruise.
He peered his eyes up.
"Gulf.....you do not deserve this."
Gulfs eyes slightly shut looking to mew with sadness.
Slowly mew took his hands from gulfs sides too place them on top of his pants to unbutton. Gulfs eyes widen.
"I.....want to continue to make you feel happiness...can....i?"
There eyes darted.
Mew started to unzip, he then placed his hands behind gulf to slide down his pants and boxers.
Gulf breathed heavily and heart raced.
Mew peered his eyes down to see gulf was fully erect, he smirked.
Mew did not know if gulf liked him or not, he knew this was wrong. He knew he was married, but mew knew it was a miserable one. He just wanted to keep gulf happy.
Slowly he moved his hands around, teasing with his finger tips. Gulf shuttered by the touch and what was starting too unfold.
He was frozen. Gulf had no clue what to do. He.....wanted it....more then anything....but. In truth, he couldn't think.
Closing his eyes he gave a stiff nod biting his lip.
Mew smiled. Placing both hands on the top of his groin, mew kissed gulfs head.
He shivered.
Pre cum ozzed from the head.
Mew moved his hands to gulfs for them to intertwine.
Gulf squeezed feeling a bit scared.
Mew kept leaving kisses to his head til he took out his tongue to lick.
Gulfs body shuttered. Both from fear and excitement.
Awhile later, gulf was on his back, both hands over his mouth. Mew had taken off gulfs boxers and pants to open gulfs legs to place himself in between sucking his length and hard.
Gulf moaned into his mouth.
This was incredibly wrong....but he couldn't stop. This felt like a dream.
Soon he started to thrust.
He then moved his body up to his elbows looking down, breathing heavily.
"Mmmew.....mmew....sstop.....I'm going to...."
Mew looked up but kept sucking.
Gulfs heart raced.
They kept in eye contact til he came.
Mew swallowed, leaning his mouth off he wore a huge smile.
Gulf gave a chuckle.
His mind still was not working.
Mew then went up to run his bottom lip on gulfs. Both closing there eyes, they gave a deep kiss.
Gulf knew this shouldn't be happening but he just couldn't stop.
Parting mew went to his neck kissing.
"Gulf? Can we....."
Gulfs eyes opened wide.
He knew what mew was asking, his eyes darted.
Mew then leaned back to go his knees.
They eyed one another.
"I....won't force this....it's your decision."
Gulfs body twitched.
Shakily he brought up his hands to peer his eyes down to start unbuttoning mews shirt, eye brows furrowed. Gulf did want it and with mew. He....is probably just doing this because he pities you but...
Gulf gulped, breathing heavily.
Mew brought up his hands to cover them over gulfs.
"Do....you want this gulf? We don't have to. I....am.not forcing this upon you."
Gulf smiled. Mew has always been gentle. Even now.
He looked up.
"I....know your not."
Leaning his head up he gave mew a kiss while his hands shaky went down to unbutton.
When mew was fully undressed, he was to his side kissing gulfs bruised stomach has gulf laid on his back, eyes to mews erection. It was huge. Gulf had no clue how it was going too fit.
His last kiss, mew turned his body to retrieve from his side table lube and a condom.
Coming back gulf eyed the condom, he sat up, on his elbows.
He looked to gulf questionally.
"Mmm can you not? I.....wish too feel all of.....uum...."
Mew raised an eye brow.
"We....should be safe. I...don't know the last time you and kovit..."
They both froze at the name. Gulf looked down, eyes darted.
"I'm......a virgin....mmew."
Mews eyes widen, lips parted.
Not wanting to ruin the mood, mew made a decision.
He leaned his mouth to gulfs neck leaving gentle kisses.
Gulf closed his eyes biting his lip.
Mew threw the condom to the floor and placed the lube on his erection.
Moving about, mew hovered over gulf, moving his legs further apart. Gulfs body shook a lot.
Mew placed his head on his outer hole.
Gulf couldn't stop quivering. This is wrong gulf! What are you doing? What will be do once he finds out! Don't be an asshole and bring mew into this! Stop this stop it now! You don't even know if mew likes you....this is all probably because of pity....push him off!
Gulf was screaming in his head but he couldn't bring anything to his lips.
Mew looked up seeing gulf struggling with this.
He took a deep inhale.
"Gulf.....we don't have too do this. I can stop..."
The stop echoed in gulfs mind.
Bringing up his hand he wrapped it around mews neck pulling his head to his neck. Squeezing his eyes shut.
"Ppplease ddont stop."
Mew gritted his teeth.
He wasent sure about this.
Slowly he put himself inch by inch, he wanted to keep going for gulf.
Gulf gripped the bedding tightly. This hurt but he didn't want it to stop. Mew moved his head to the side, rubbing his bottom lip on gulfs neck.
"Are.....you okay?"
Gulf could only nod.
Soon mews full length was in.
They stayed un moving for a few moments. Mew wanted gulf to adjust to this.
Gulf breathed heavily. He could not believe he wasent a virgin anymore. He couldn't believe his first was mew.
Everything else seemed to drift away. Gulf started to grind.
"Mmmm gulf."
He bit his lip.
"You.....you can move....pplease.."
Mew nodded.
Thrusting slowly and gently he had gulf moaning.
"Aaaaaaah mmmmm so good."
Even.though it hurt, pleasure was being achieved.
Mew brought his hand to gulfs length to stroke. Gulf moaned louder, gripped mews neck tighter.
"Aaaaah I'm....mmmm... Going too."
"Cum with me gulf...please cum with me...."
Gulf nodded.
Soon they both came in unison.
Parting, gulf sat on the edge, buttoning his shirt, looking to the floor, eye brows furrowed.
You have no idea what you have done gulf. You are a fucking idiot! You just dragged mew into this! Tears started to fall. Gulf felt like shit over this.
Dressed, mew walked around to eye gulf.
Seeing tears, mew went to his knees to bring up his hands to wipe them away.
"Are....you in a lot of pain? I'm so sorry gulf....i"
Gulf couldn't stop himself. He brought up his hands to shove mew away. Mew sat on his butt looking up at gulf. He breathed heavily.
Gulfs eyes darted.
"I....we....shouldn't have. Im....married mew...even though i hate it....even though he does horriable things to me....i....shouldn't have done this....you have no idea what he is capable of.....my....first time shouldn't have Been this way..."
Mews eyes widen, lips parted.
"What.....way Are you speaking of?"
Gulf looked up to mew, fresh tears falling.
"My first time should not have been fueled by pity."
Mew looked to gulf confused.
"You....think i.....we just....because i pity you?"
Gulf gulped.
They both jumped when they heard the alarm go off.
Gulfs eyes darted.
He shook his head.
"I.....don't think.....i can see you again after this mew....i....won't bring you into this....you have no idea who kovit is..."
Gulf got up just too fall. His legs gave out. Mew tried to go near but he was already up and shuffled his way out.
Mew sat there, eyes darted in confusion. He had been in love with gulf since the day they held hands in the bathroom. Mew did not have just sex with gulf. He made love to him.

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