my slice of peace

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Gulf came home taking a long breathe of relieve. Kovit was too the living room, laying down on the couch asleep. He eyed the side too see a bottle.
Breathing in, gulf went too the closet near him to grab a blanket. Stepping in silence he placed it over kovit. Gulf took a step back, eyeing him.
He always treated kovit with respect and him has a human being. Gulf had no clue why kovit was like this to him. What did he ever do wrong to kovit too make him act this way?
Peering his eyes down, gulf brought up his hand to place two fingers at his lips.
Mew.....kissed you gulf...
Smiling.slightly, he stepped quietly around too go to his room locking his door.
To his bed he sat on the edge.
His head hung, he kept his fingers at his mouth.
Why....did mew kiss you like That?
Gulfs eyes darted.
The way he held you gulf.....all this has to be because he feels sorry for you. Why would mew feel anything for you?
Gulf took a deep inhale.
He took his hands to his jacket to unbutton and took it off too place it to the floor. Bending slightly he took off his socks.
Taking his hands to the top of his pants he started to unbutton just to hesitate. He closed his eyes thinking of mew and his tongue.
Squeezing his eyes tightly shut, he slowly put his hand inside his pants, too wrap his hand around his length.
He hesitated. This was not something he has done since he was 15.
Biting his lip, all he thought. Of was mew and that kiss.
Shaking a bit, gulf placed his lips in a hard line to start stroking himself off, allowing very quiet moans.
"Mmm mew."
With speed, gulf came all over his hand.
Breathing in deep, he opened his eyes in surprise.
Standing up quick, gulf had to get rid of the evidence. He was happy it all happened in the pants.
Taking his clothes off completely, he placed them in his laundry basket, then he took a hot shower.
Only in his boxers he laid on his back, the hand that mew held, he placed it above his head, looking at it with a smile. Even.if....he is doing this because he feels sorry for you....least someone does gulf.
Sighing, he went to the side, placing his hand under his head. His eyes went too the wall, gulf felt a bit sullen.
Gulf knew this could not happen again. That broke his heart, but it was true. In his true reality gulf was married to kovit and gulf didn't know what he would do if he found out about this.
Gulf broke the rule, don't let him touch you. Mew has even kissed you....twice.
He breathed in deeply. Gulf had liked mew since he was 14, after he helped him. Mews warmth, positivity, helpfulness, his smile has never changed.
Gulf was very attracted too this but nothing could come about. He was married....for the rest of his life.
Even if mew was gay, he was barking up the wrong tree. Gulf.....regrettably was kovits.
Mew....needed too stop this.
Closing his eyes, come Friday, gulf wouldn't let mew come anywhere near him. Gulf cried himself too sleep.
Thursday passed pretty quick. The two didn't even exchange a word.
By friday, gulf sat in the car feeling a bit numb. He had to keep himself away from mew.
Inside, gulf didn't have too work hard at keeping his distance. Mew kept to his computer on the couch, while gulf sat on the floor, doing his work.
A month passed and this was gulfs rountine. Even though he ached too ask mew why he kissed him, gulf knew to just too keep it in his Heart. 
By the end of the month on Friday, it was gulfs depressive day. It was the anniversary of his parents passing.
Kovit and him during the day, went to a bakery. Kovit wished for muffins. The shop keep gave him left over change. Looking down he gave it too gulf.
Parting, they had too walk to the car that was parked a block away.
Has they walked down the street, gulf eyed a mother with her child. The child was asking for money. Gulf knew he needed to keep everything kovit gave to him, but seeing there faces. Gulf couldn't.
Stepping away from kovit gulf bent his body to give the change to the little girl.
The mother looked too him tears flowing.he nodded.
Stepping back to kovit he saw the exchange and shook his head in disapproval.
"You don't ever get any money from me then you go and waste it. You are an idiot."
He motioned with his head for them to go to the car.
Mew came out of a shop, he saw the whole thing.
Even though you live in hell, your still so compassionate. Mew followed suit and went too the pair giving them more.
Mew straightened up, watching them get in the car. Why are you out today gulf...isn't today the anniversary of....
Mew looked down sullenly.
At home, gulf kept being silent.
In the kitchen, he put the muffins away, kovit watched shaking his head.
"Pssst.....if your parents were still here they would be so disappointed in you. Giving change to the homeless."
Gulfs eyes widen.
He gritted his teeth.
Not today kovit.....please.... not today.
Kovit rolled his eyes.
"Its almost 3....I'm sick of looking at you. Leave."
Gulf gulped.
Moving about, kovit grabbed his wrist and hard making gulf wince.
Kovit moved his head to place his mouth on gulfs cheek.
"The only thing you have done right is marry me gulf.....I'm....starting to get tired of waiting....i....want your..."
Gulfs eyes Widen, he took his wrist away. They eyed each other.
"I....will never give it too you."
Kovit narrowed his eyes.
"Never say never my wife. You are mine til the day you die."
He darkly chuckled.
Gulf scoffed.
"Maybe by a piece of paper. But my body and heart you can never have."
Kovit gritted his teeth.
Moving his body, he brought up his knee too gulfs stomach making him fall to the floor, wrapping his arms around in pain.
Kovit smiled.
"Mmmm....ill have it one day gulf. What should i get while your gone?"
Gulf looked up. Today wasent the day.
"How..... about your hand!"
Kovit leaned down to grab gulfs by the hair, moving his head back.
Gulf gritted his teeth.
Kovit smiled.
"Im starting to believe you like this gulf."
Quickly he placed his hand to his member over his pants he rubbed it. It was soft.
Kovit gave a sign.
"No matter what you do or think kovit. You can never make me hard."
Kovit pushed Gulf to the ground on his side.
"Get the fuck out before, you wind up in the hospital."
Gulf gulped.
Up quick, gulf left.
Kovit took a deep breathe in. One day gulf one day ill take your virginity.
Has gulf got too mews, he was still in.pain but always knew how to hide it well.
To mews, door he knocked.
Mew instantly opened it with a smile.
This was the only happiness gulf had.
With a slight smile, he stepped inside.
Before he could go to the living room, mew had grabbed him by the wrist taking him to the kitchen. Inside gulfs eyes rose. There were an assortment of ingredients.
Gulf looked too mew a bit confused.
" this?"
"Today....let's do something fun."
Gulf looked back, unaware they were holding hands. Peering his eyes down he took his wrist back, to look awkwardly at mew who wore a smile.
"Let's get started."
Gulf watched him go with a slight smile.
Recalling his youth with his mother, he knew what mew was trying to do. Make cookies together.
Breathing in deep, gulf just wanted to do something that would make him happy for once today of all days.
Both after they washed there hands, started with smiles.

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