the dream

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Breathing heavily, gulf wept has kovit punched him and hard in the face, has his hands were up above bound to the head board.
Kovit hovered over gulf, without a shirt to wear a giant smile, has gulf leaned his head to the side to have tears stream down his face.
"Oh god gulf you are making me so hard!"
Bending down he ripped open his shirt. Gulf moved his face forward looking down, fresh tears fell.
"No! I dont want this get off!"
Kovit leaned his hand up to grip gulfs hair and hard Making it go back. He leaned his face close to his, a hand went down his pants to grip his soft member and hard. Gulf yelped in pain.
"This is mine you little whore! You are mine!"
Gulfs eyes widen in pure horror.
Eyes darting under his eye lids, mew could feel the bed moving.
Opening his eyes and turning he saw gulf breathing hard, thrashing about.
Mew turned to turn on the light and went to gulf.
"Gulf! Gulf! Wake up!"
"! Let go of me kovit! Let go!"
He cradle him in his arms.
Gulf moved his head back and forth.
Mew didn't want to but he started to shake him a bit roughly.
"Gulf please wake up! I'm here. Please wake."
Gulfs eyes opened wide for them to dart confused on where he was.
Body quivered, his eyes stopped on mews face. He breathed heavily, heart raced.
He gulped.
He nodded looking down in sadness.
Gulf leaned up to grab hold tightly to mew to cry.
To the table, mew got gulf some water and a bit of food, he chewed the corner looking down at the cup.
Mew cleared his throat.
Gulf shuttered.
It had been 2 weeks since kovit was served the papers and the judge said gulf had to have a phone number on the record even if it was a burner cell.
They had too go into a court room 3 days ago to sign some things and make a court date. Has gulf had gone to the bathroom, Kovit was there to push him against the wall to threaten him.
Not seeing gulf for awhile, mew went to the bathroom to pull kovit off.
Mew did not know kovit was there.
He had to pull gulf along shaking.
They hesitated at the door frame has kovit talked.
"He is mine mew! No matter what happens he is my property! Have fun now gulf for when you return, you little whore, punishments there will be awaiting for you!"
Mew shook his head in anger. Gulf couldn't help but shutter.
Since that day, gulf had an occurring dream of kovit beating the living shit out of him and trying to rape him.
"Mew.....I'm so sorry....I'm ruining...."
He quickly got up to walk to gulf wrapping his arms around, pulling him close. Mew stroked his head shushing him.
"Shhh are not ruining anything. Shhh don't be are not doing anything wrong. I'm here gulf....I'm here."
Gulf breathed in shakily, to bring up his hands to mews arm to let fresh tears fall.
"Shhhh my love...shhhh."
Calming gulf for a few moments, they went back to the bed, to lay on there sides staring at each other, arms under there heads.
Mew had one up to rub gulfs arm that laid on top of his body.
Gulf breathed in deeply.
"Mew......maybe........maybe i should just go back to him....."
Mews eyes widen.
"Gulf no."
"Mew....everyday that passes he is getting more and more pissed off. Even if he can't get too me. He'll try and do something to you to....your parents....i....can't...."
Fresh tears started to fall.
Mew took.his hand to gulfs face to wipe the tears away. Gulf brought up his hand to stop mews on his cheek to feel his warmth.
"Gulf.....we are okay. You need to worry about yourself. Do not go back. It will solve nothing. Please gulf don't leave me."
Gulf gritted his teeth and hard.
Shuffling forward he placed his lips on mews to part placing his forehead on his.
"I.....don't ever want to leave you mew but....."
"Gulf....please trust this. We have that court apperence for a divorce and to make the restraining order perminante. After what i saw that day, i will add that when they call me to the stand."
Gulf nodded.
"God mew....i just want this to be over and done with....." Gulf wept.
Mew grimanced.
He grabbed and pulled gulf onto his chest, gulf wrapped his arm across mews torso.
"I'm here gulf for you. Remember i made a promise to you. He will never mark your body again. I Will keep this promise."
Gulf breathed in deeply.
" you so much mew. You and your parents are helping me so much i...."
Mew took.his hand to gulfs chin making him look up. There eyes darted.
"Gulf.....this is what people who really love each other do for one another. I am very much in love with you."
Gulfs eyes widen.
He smiled.
Moving his head back down he listened to mews heart. It gave him.comfort. with that one hand he took it up to run his fingers through his hair.
"Sleep my love......have peaceful dreams."
Gulf breathed in deeply, keeping his eyes opened. He did not wish too sleep.

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