Chapter Thirty - Not a Little girl anymore

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March 18th, 1883

Nadir's POV


I worked up the courage to knock on Maries office door. 

"Come in." She spoke with her heavy french accent

"Madame, may I talk to you?" I asked entering her office

"Yes, please sit. What is bothering you my boy?" She took he glasses off and placed them on the desk as she turned to face me

"Madame I am asking for your permission to ask Meg to be my wife. I love her with every fiber of me being and promise to take care of her for the rest of our days. I promise to love her, honor her, and treat her with the upmost respect that she deserves." I spit out

"Nadir, it would be a blessing to have you as a son. You make her so happy and I know you will treat her well. You have my blessing to ask for her hand," she stood from the desk and walked towards me

She unbuckled her necklace and pulled a ring off of it, "Here. This belonged to her father Meg has always loved it and I promised her it would be hers one day."

"Thank you madame." I say as she laid the gold band in my palm

I stood and thanked her again before leaving her office mentally preparing myself for what was to come next.


Madame Girys pov


After Nadir left my office I sat down and reflected on what he asked, what I answered, and what I gave him. I needed to see my daughter. My little girl.

Meg moved around the studio grace flowing with each step she took keeping perfect posture. She danced in silence, the only sound coming from her shoes hitting the ground.

"Megan, take a break you've been working all morning."

She looked at me oddly, I don't usually tell her to stop dancing so it's understandable.

"Is something wrong mother?" She asked steadying her breath as she sat on the bench next to me

"No, nothing is wrong. I've just been thinking lately I've been so distracted I forgot that you are not a little girl anymore, you are a beautiful, smart, talented young woman and I am so proud of you."

"Thank you mother, but I don't -"

"Shh, you'll understand shortly. Just remember that I love you, very much my dear."

"I love you too mother."

I looked at her for a long moment. I saw so much of her father in her features but so much of myself in her sprit. I patted her cheek, "Go get ready for rehearsal now."

"Yes, mother." She gathered her belonging and left the studio

I let out a long breath before standing and leaving myself.

Erik called rehearsal to a close twenty minutes early because he had some other business to attend to. I went to my dressing room to change out of my rehearsal attire. After I changed I went to meet Nadir in the foyer for our usual lunch date.

He greeted me with a smile and held out his arm which I gladly took.

"Are you alright, you seem tense?" I ask rubbing his arm

"Yes I'm fine I just have a lot on my mind." He responded with a quick smile

"Okay, anything you wish to share?"

"No, no just maintenance issues with some of the rides at the park, safety concerns." He seemed nervous as he spoke

"Okay," I said deciding not to pry

We started on our usual route to the pier when Nadir stopped, "Actually I was thinking we do something different for lunch, would that be alright?"

"Sure I guess." I laughed at his sudden spontaneous outburst

His face lit up as he pulled me away from the wooden walkway and into the sand, "I was hoping you'd say yes." I smiled as we sprinted down the sand,

"Wait!" I said making him stop

He turned back to look at me, a confused look on his face. I giggled as I kicked off my heels and picked up my skirts running to catch up with him. He led us underneath the pier where it was baren of people, "Here we are."

I was surprised when I saw a picnic area set up a few feet from the water.

"Come on." Nadir sat on the blanket and patted the spot beside him

"How did you manage this?" I asked happily

"I have my ways." He pointed a finger towards his head and began unpacking the basket

I sat and allowed Nadir to unpack the basket setting ham and cheese sandwiches onto plates and pouring us both a glass of lemonade. "This seems a little off. Sandwiches and lemonade, not our usual? What's the occasion?" I joked at the meal

"Changing things up. Do you like it?" He asked taking a sip from his glass

"Yes, very much but what is all this for? You never seemed like a spontaneous type." I sipped at my drink

"Do I need an excuse to spend some alone time with the woman I love?" He smiled at me his eyes lighting up

"I guess not." I returned the warm smile, we ate our lunch and engaged in small talk about the beach exchanging compliments now and then.

When we finished our lunch we sat for a while in silence, just enjoying each other's company. We watched the tide come in and go leaving a shadow of where it hit the sand.

"It's too nice to just sit here. Come, let's go for a walk." I proposed

"That sounds great." He responded, "Let's pack this up first."

"Right." I helped him pack everything into the basket, I also placed my shoes into the basket since we would be walking in the sand

Nadir and I linked arms finally and began down the beach.

We walked down the shoreline watching families, young lovers, and children play in the sand or the waves. It wasn't very warm but people still loved to get out when the weather allowed.

"Meg, have I ever told you how incredibly happy you make me?"

"I believe you have. Have I ever told you how incredibly loved you make me feel Nadir?" I asked mimicking his question

"I believe you have." He paused, "Can I tell you something?"

"Anything," I responded letting go of his hand

I began getting nervous, though I had no reason to be.

We stopped walking and he turned to look at me, "Meghan Alexandra Giry, I love you more then I have ever loved anyone. Over the past few months I have been the happiest I have ever been, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife and spending the rest of our lives together?" He got down on one knee and held out a recognizable ring

I gasped, shocked but excited, "Yes! Nadir it would make me unbelievably happy to be your wife!"

He smiled even bigger and placed the ring on my finger, it looks just as I remember it.

"I love you." I placed a kiss on his lips

"I love you more Meg, so much more then you realize." He held my waist and pulled me closer to his chest in a warm hug

"I don't want this moment to end," I whispered

"I don't either my love. But life does go on, and you have a show to rehearse for."

"I know. Will you walk me back?" I asked

"Of course."

He held my hand as we started walking back up the sand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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