Chapter Twenty Six - Alone Together

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August 20th 1882


I sat alone in my office again. Two months, it was nearing two months since I left America without my family. Who wasn't even my family. I rarley left the house, I can't bare it.

I haven't had a drink in those two months either, it's been tough but I need to do this. I lost my dear Christine and will not let anything like that happen again. My mother has arranged for me to meet a young lady who's father thinks very fondly of my family. Though they were Leary considering I was a divorcee.

I sat holding a sealed letter contemplating on if I should send it or not. What else have I to loose if I do, but if I don't. I left my office and found the first maid I could, "Madame," I greeted the older woman, "if you could please get this to the post office I would appreciate it very much."

"Of course sir, right away." She tipped her head and scurried away

I let out a long breath and turned to go back into my office but I was stopped by a stern yell from down the hall, "Raoul! Darling I need to talk with you!"

"What mother?" I questioned the woman

"No need to get an attitude with me. Now as you know the baron, baroness, and their daughter are coming for tea this afternoon, and after what that whore did to you,"

"She was not a whore mother."

"Hard to believe, now they are bringing their daughter in hopes you two will get along and hopefully marry, and after what that brat did to you you need to reconstruct our family name."

I looked at her with a blank expression, "Mother how many times do I have to tell you I am not ready to marry again I need some time to get everything sorted out."

"Well you have until three o'clock that should be plenty of time." She patted my shoulder and walked away

I stood in the empty hallway for a moment before turning back into my office I sat at the desk and looked around. A photo from Christine and I's wedding sat on it. I placed my fingers lightly on the frame before knocking in over so I couldn't see the photograph. I took in a deep breath.

I can do this. I needed to do this.

It was nearing one at the moment, and I began to ask myself if I really wanted to go through with this. I decided I needed to take the chance, though I wasn't very hopeful about it. I went to freshen up, get a bath and change my clothing. It was time to make a fresh start, and I wasn't going to hesitate any longer.

I cleaned myself up and changed into some of my best clothing, I brushed my hair and powdered my face lightly. I was finishing up in my room when a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in."

"Raoul, baron de Williams is here, please be on your best behavior -"

"I'm nearly thirty-three mother, I know how to behave like an adult."

"Exactly, you're nearing your mid thirties, unmarried, and have no children. Raoul, I'm just looking out for you."

"If you were looking out for me you wouldn't -" I was interrupted by a maid informing us the Barron was concerned about our absence

"Are you ready to go?" Mother approched me and fixed my tie

"As ready as I'll ever be." I followed my mother to my study to meet with my, most likely, future wife.


November 1st 1882

Christine POV


I gathered the mail from the box and walked back into the house looking though it, most were either business inquires for Erik or bills. One caught my eyes though, my name was written across the envelope. I set the rest of the mail on the counter and turned over the envelope to look at the wax seal which held the de Changy family crest. I carefully pulled out the paper and began to read.


I know I am the last person you want to hear from right now, but I need to tell you why I treated you the way I did. After we left the Opera I started drinking as a way to relieve stress. While intoxicated I was not aware how badly I was treating you. I was upset as well, I know you loved me just not in the way I wanted. You did at one point love me romantically, I loved you that way as well.

I watched you fall in love with another man, and for that I resented you. I was trying to solve my problems through alcohol instead of confronting them. It pained me to see you while I was sober, because I knew you didn't want to be with me. While I was doing this I drove you into the arms of another man. The man you love and the father of your child. I am not upset with you for that, it was my own fault. If I had only been there for you things might have turned out differently.

I truly am sorry for the way I treated you and your daughter. Poor Ava, I never meant to treat her poorly. After she was born I wanted to stop drinking, be a good father and a good husband. I was addicted though, I didn't think I needed help. After all these years I am finally going to rid myself of this burden. My mother is willing to stay with me, unfortunately it had to be her, but she is going to help me. She has introduced me to a few ladies whom she wishes me to marry, quickly.

This was a wake up for me. I thank you and your family. If you need anything I am in your debt.

Goodbye Little Lotte

- Raoul"

I read the note a few times trying to register everything he said. I felt a weight come off my shoulders, a weight I didn't know I held.

"Christine?" Erik called from the front door, "Ava wanted to stay at the theater with Justin and Lacy, Madame Giry said she would bring her back by supper." He hung his coat on the rack, "Is everything alright angel?" Erik asked wrapping his arms around my waist from behind

I folded the paper and leaned back into him, "Everything is fine, perfect actually."

I spun around and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I love you." I said looking over his features

"I love you too." He spoke leaning down and kissing me which I melted into as he pulled me closer, "I want another child Erik."

I looked him in the eyes waiting for his reaction, "Well then we have some work to do." He picked me up off the ground and carried me off towards the bedroom.


I would like to apologize greatly for the delays in updating. A lot has been going on between school and other things but its settling and I should have time to wright more often.

Thank you!

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