Chapter eighteen - Love Never Dies

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I nervously stood behind the curtain waiting for the music to start. I never really focused on connecting with the lyrics before as I had little time to prepare due to issues. I just really hope I can perform at my best.

I look over to my right and see Raoul standing in the wings with a look of disbelief on his face. I couldn't go with him. True I loved him once but I can no longer trust him, he has lied to me to many times. Not going to lie I will miss him we have been friends since we were young and we have been married for over a decade. I look back down at the ground in front of me.

I look to my left standing there is my angel a smile spread across his face, not one of victory one of pure joy. I love him, truly I do. I can trust him to be there for me. Behind him I see Ava smiling and waving at me.

I smile back at them as the curtain begins to rise. I look out at the audience praying I don't mess this up.

The intro of the song starts playing, I step into the light and begin to sing,

'Who knows when love begins
Who knows what makes it start
One day it's simply there
Alive inside your heart

It slips into your thoughts
It infiltrates your soul
It takes you by surprise

Then seizes full control
Try to deny it
And try to resist

But love won't let you go
Once you've been possessed
Love never dies

Love never falters
Once it has spoken
Love is yours

Love never fades
Love never alters
Hearts may get broken
Love endures

Hearts may get broken
Love endures

And soon as you submit
Surrender flesh and bone
That love takes on a life

Much bigger than your own
It uses you at whim

And drives you to despair
And forces you to feel

More joy than you can bear
Love gives you pleasure

And love brings you pain
And yet when both are gone
Love will still remain

Once it has spoken
Love is yours
Love never dies

Love never alters
Hearts may get broken
Love endures

Hearts may get broken
Love never dies
Love will continue

Love keeps on beating
When you're gone
Love never dies

Once it is in you
Life may be fleeting
Love lives on
Life may be fleeting

Love lives on'

I hold out the last note as the audience erupts into applause. I smile and take it in as I haven't felt this free since my first starring night. I was ushered off the stage and back to my dressing room, getting congratulations and applause from other performers and crew.

The room was full of flowers but the one that stopped me and caught my attention was a single white rose on top of a note. I picked them both up and read the note,

'My dearest wife
Forgive me, I have left back for Paris without you.
Do not think it's because I wanted to.
You made your choice and this time it was not me.

As I promised, I will get better. Maybe find someone that loves me as you once did.

I will be sending papers in the mail to annul our marriage. If you wish to have anything from the estate I will send it.

I wish you all happiness

Yours, in regret

He left, he really left. I set the objects down prossessing everything, when the door opened and Ava ran inside.

"Oh mother you did wonderful!" She beamed hugging me tightly

"Thank you angel." I smiled

"You were exquisite my dear." Erik said kissing my hand, "The angels wept tonight." I smiled and thanked him

I sat at the vanity and started to take my jewelry off. I took the time while Ava was distracted to show Erik the letter Raoul left.

"He left." I said not happy, but not sad either

I handed him the letter silently and watched as he read it, "He left." He stated with a smile. I nodded with a small smile, I looked back at our daughter.

"Should we tell her?" He nodded and called her over to us.

"Ava," She looked up at him, "would you like it if you and your mother stayed here?" I watched as her face lit up

"Really mother can we?" She asked with pleading eyes

"If it's what you want, then yes." She immediately pulled us both into a hug

"Thank you mother, thank you papa," She drew back a little, "If you don't mind me calling you that."

"I don't mind at all, I like it." Erik smiled, Ava pulled us back in for another hug.

I finally have the family I've always wanted.


I stood backstage and watched Christine's performance. It reminded me of when I first watch her rise to stardom, those feeling of awe at seeing my best friend get everything she wanted returned but jealousy still seeped through. I left mid way through the song, she was the final act meaning I had no use at the stage anymore.

I headed back to my dressing room, but was stopped before I could arrive.

"Miss Giry," I turned to see Nadir behind me, "you did wonderful tonight."

I laughed and rubbed my arm, "You are the first one to tell me. Thank you, not many people tell me anymore." I smiled

"You deserve it." I stood confused, "Appreciation. I see the way they treat you."

Neither of us said anything, we just stood in silence. "I have to go." I hurried off to my dressing room

I locked the door and changed out of my costume, hanging it up for the cleaning department. I dressed myself in a lighter outfit and wiped my face of all make up. I laid down, waiting for my mother to retrive me so we could go home.


Quick A/N

Do you guys like the small bits I put in about Meg and Naidr?

Okay thank you that is all.

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