Chapter two - Changes

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September 26th 1871

Christine's POV


It's been just over one month since we left the phantoms lair and everything, including myself, has changed. 

Raoul is no longer the sweet, comforting boy I fell in love with. He's started drinking, he goes out at the earliest hours in the morning and not come back until the latest hours of the night. There are times he's sober, when that happens he spends most of his time locked away in his study, at business meetings or parties.

I am rarely allowed to do anything on my own anymore. I always have a household employee with me or being close by.

Raoul's mother has been trying to teach me about being a proper wife giving me rules to follow for my future role in this family.

Silly rules like, not speaking unless spoken to.

My fiance had agreed to have dinner with the Girys tonight since I haven't seen them since the incident. He wants me to keep in touch with them, since they were my only family left, but I doubt that will actually happen.

"Christine, we need to go!" Raoul called to me

"I'm coming." I say as I finish pinning up my hair.

I absolutely hate it when maids fuss about getting me ready, I don't need help getting my hair or makeup fixed. I prefer to do that on my own.

I enter the foyer where he stood tapping his foot on the marble floor

"Finally." He mumbles as he opens the door for me

We got into the carriage that was waiting for us.

On the way to the Girys home we passed the Opera House, the once glowing building was now covered in ash. Which was the only thing wrong with it the building was still completely in tact other then the actual theater which got the most damage. They are planning on repairing it to it's former glory, not letting this little mishap ruin it's reputation. The managers are telling everyone that the chandelier fell because it was not properly secured after cleaning. Which everyone who wasn't at the show thinks is more believable then a ghost. 

I started thinking about my angel about how he could be in there still roaming the halls or playing the organ. How he could be waiting for me, like I am for him.

No he's probably dead Christine why can't you get that through your head.

What if he isn't? What if he hates me now? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that is the case.He was always there for me. I don't know how to feel about him; he did unspeakable things. Things that should make me hate him, but I don't.

We enter the gates to the Giry household, I can see Meg waiting on the porch for us. Raoul looked at the house in disgust. Yes it was much smaller then his as they were not as wealthy as he was.

The coachman opens the door allowing us to get out, I smiled as Meg waved to me.

"It's so great to see you again, I've missed you." Meg says when we meet her at the door

"I've missed you too." I say wrapping her in a long needed hug

"Oh, where are my manners. Please come in mama is finishing with supper right now."

She showed me around the house while Raoul looked for the alcohol, which he wouldn't find as Madame Giry doesn't drink. We laughed and talked until Madame Giry called for supper. 

"Madame Giry, so nice to see you again." I said giving her a hug

"We were more then pleased to have you over Christine, I think of you as a daughter as well."

We sat around the dining table and said a prayer before getting our supper. We chatted about what we've been up to since we last saw each other. None of us mentioned the incident.

"I have an announcement." Meg said putting all eyes on her, "Mama and I are moving to America. A position for a dance instructor opened up and they wanted the best." I'm both shocked and excited for them

"When?" Raoul asked

"The twenty-second. The day after your wedding." Madame Giry says

I could tell there was no hiding the sad look on my face but I really was happy for them.

We spend the rest of our time talking. Talking about the wedding, America, and thankfully never bringing up the opera house or him. Before we leave Meg says she wants to talk to me.

"Make it quick." Raoul says

She brought me into the study and shut the door behind her,

"What's wrong and don't tell me nothing, I know when your lying."

"Meg I told you I'm fine, you wouldn't understand anyways."

"Alright." I could tell she still doesn't believe me "If you need to talk I'm here." I smile at her and give her a quick hug before meeting Raoul at the carriage. After what I started feeling today the next month is going to be hell.

We stay silent in the carriage ride back to the manor. The sun was beginning to set as we pulled up to the gates. Raoul helped me out and I went into the house as fast as I could. I took my cloak of and handed it to one of the maids, before starting towards my room.

"Christine," Raoul stopped me I turned to face him stiffening my body, "goodnight."

His features were soft, I could easily tell he wasn't intoxicated.

"Goodnight Raoul." I gave him a small smile and continued to my room. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

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