Chapter sixteen- Misunderstandings

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Because the hotel was located down the street from the theater I managed to get there quickly. I went to the back of the building where an entrance that lead to the offices sat.

I snuk in quietly, because I'm not supposed to be back here. I found the managers office amd knocked on the door.

"Come in." Erik said

I opened the door and went inside, "Monsieur," I sniffled, "It's Ava do you mind." I said trying to hide my tears and doing a poor job at it considering the look on his face.

"Not at all come in, what's the matter? Where is your mother?" He asks, I walk in and sit on the piano bench.

"My mother and father got into a fight. I was scared and didn't know where else to go. Please don't make me go back yet." I say

"Your parents fight often?" He asked

"All the time," I responded. I don't know why but I started ranting, "and it's always fathers fault, he always gets mad at her for no reason. He threw a glass today, and slappes her. I was scared, when he gets angry like that he takes it out on me too. He was nicer at one point, but now. I don't love my father, I hate him." I let a few stray tear escape

He sits down next to me and pulls me into a hug, something I didn't expect him to do. "Wait here." He leaves the office, to get or do who knows what.



I shut the door to my office and leave quickly. I made my way to Christines hotel room, which didn't take me long considering I know the shortcuts. When I entered the building I noticed that fop sitting in the hotel bar, drinking his life away. I was fighting the urge to go in there right now kill the son of a bitch, but I had more important things to take care of.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door, I could hear muffled voices. The door unlocked and flew open. Christine stood on the other side with a disappointed look on her face.

"Oh, sorry I thought you were someone else." Christine stated, "come in." I reached my hand up and wiped tears off her cheeks with a small smile.

"Thank you." she smiled




I sat on the couch crying and waiting for Ava to come back. Both Meg and Madame Giry were in there with me since Raoul was who knows where.

"So she just left a note and ran?" Madame asked

"Yes, that's it, that's all." I say as someone knocks on the door

I quickly go and open it only to find Erik standing outside, not that I'm not glad he's here, but I was praying it was my daughter.

"Oh, sorry I thought you were someone else. Come in." Erik reached up his hand and wiped away tears that were falling down my cheeks.

"Thank you." I smiled at him and let him in,

"Christine listen I have no idea why but-" He was cut off by Meg speaking in a nervous tone

"Mister Y w-what are you doing here." She stuttered trying to sound professional

"That is none of your concern. Now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," He says glaring at Meg, "Ava came back to my office in tears, because you and that ignorant fop were fighting," I saw the small cut on her cheek, "and if you don't want to hurt her anymore then she already is I suggest you go tell her the truth, I don't want anyone else getting hurt." He said starting to walk away. I grabbed his arm to stop him

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