Chapter Three: Fish Out Of Water

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Chapter Three: Fish Out Of Water

_I Now Pronounce_


I slumped into my chair setting down my tray that held a water, chocolate cake, cookie, and a apple. Rapunzel looked up from her phone and gave me a small smile. On her tray was salad and orange juice.

Taking a bite of my cake I asked, "Wheres Merida?"

"She right 'ere," Merida says sitting down next to Rapunzel.

Her tray was stacked with what I was almost positive was everything the school had to offer. She shoved half a piece of pizza in her mouth before taking a gulp of her soda. Rapunzel sighed shaking her head.

"I don't get how you can eat that," Punz says.

"Not every one can live of salads, and energy bars," Mer replied, "Speaking of salads are ye gonna eat yers?"

Rapunzel sighed rolling her eyes pushing her salad towards the redhead, "How are you still one size bigger than me, I mean seriously with how much you eat."

"What can aye say im a hungery woman," Merida says drowning her salad in ranch.

"Well obviously you don't fit the lady category very well, chew with your mouth closed, and slow down you food isn't gonna grow legs and run off," Rapunzel pointed.

"Trust me if it could, it wouldn't get far," Mer tells us as she digs into her salad.

"Uh huh, " Punz nodded rolling her eyes then looking at me, "No luck on this husband of yours?"

I shook my head no, Merida frowned,  "Sucks ay was lookin forward ta meetin' this unlucky groom of yers."

I glared at her hard, "Why am I friends with you?"

"Oh, because ye love me, and aye mean who wouldn't wanna be friends with this," she jesters to herself pushing her empty tray in the middle of the red table.

I raised my eyebrow at her. How did she eat all that? I opened my mouth but was cut off by a football player walking to talk to Merida. The talked quickly going over some plays. Onces the guy left Merida looked at me.

"Ay have football practice after school, the coach wants to get us more practice before the season," Merida goans, "Think ye can pick me up Elsie last thing ay need is my mum to do it and complain about how ay smell like sweat, then about how girls shouldn't run around in shoulder pads and blah, blah."

"Sure then we can go to The Lucky Cat Cafe, Punz would you like to come?" I asked.

Her eyes looked from her phone, "I can't i've got...a date...with Eugene..after school."

They way she spoke made me believe she was lying but I brushed it off. What did Rapunzel have to lie about anyway? My eyes scanned the cafeteria just then a fourteen year old freshman hoped to my table.

It was Anna she had her hair in her pigtail braids. She wore a blue skirt that fell about mid thigh, boots, and a shirt that was black with small designs and tealish long sleeves. She smiled happily, which was odd when I was a freshman it took the first two class and my spirit was broken.

I was a nerd yes but I didn't like school. My whole middle school year I was excited on going to high school. Only it was when I got there I realized my life was gonna get even more complicated.

"Elsie!" She says jumping.

"What is it Anna?" I asked.

"Oh nothing I was just wondering how your day was going," she tells me.

Teenagers (Jelsa, Mericcup, etc...)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora