Chapter Twenty-Five: Broken Minded & Love Blinded

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Broken Minded & Love Blinded

Sophie (P.O.V)

I had always wondered why I didn't have a mommy. I asked Jack once, because he always had a answer. He was smart...mostly. He didn't answer me immediately, which meant he was most likely conjuring up a lie. Something he wasn't the best at.

"You...we have a mommy she just...she went to a better place," was his reply.

This confused me, "Why didn't she take us?" I had asked. An he hesitated again. I remembered the tired look in his eyes. He'd been up all night again. He had told me it was because of the monster in his closet. I knew that was a lie everyone knows that monsters hide under beds.

Anyway he eventually answered picking me up and setting me on the counter. I attempted to snag a cookie from the jar in which theynwere kept. However I was caught before I could do so, "Because she knew the best place for us was here." He said moving the cookies to a higher place. With that he turned to finish dinner.

Which didn't go very well by the way. That night we all gathered in the living room eating hot delivered pizza. An we watched whatever we could find on Netflix. That was a long time ago. Maybe a year. I have a good memory. An I remember being tucked in that night.

An I had a sudden realization. I'd seen plenty of families. Each of my friends had one. Not all had a mommy not all had a daddy. The lucky ones had both. Then there was me. "Jackie...why don't I have a daddy?"

An he froze looking at me confused sitting slowly at the edge of my bed. Ontop of my pink quilt. The one Aunt Sun had made me when I was a baby. One of the things I don't remember, and like I said I have good memory. "You have a daddy, we both do, he's just working to support us."

"Is that his better place?" I asked softly, work didn't sound fun which made it even harder to understand, "Whats wrong with home...were here...why can't this be the better place?"

I understood parents worked, but daddy was alway gone. He just wasn't there like my friends daddies were. Atleast the ones that had a dad. I'd seen them at recitals and special events, things my father often missed. Correction always missed.

"Im tired Fairy Princess, sometimes people don't have a has to work...and mom she's busy with angels," he then kissed my forehead before leaving me in my room. Of course not before checking for monsters under my bed.

I wasn't sure why I thought of that day but I guess it had something to do with my father and Jack's fighting. They did that a lot. Sometimes I had to cover my ears, to block out the yelling. They were never happy around each other.

Maybe thats why this wasn't dads happy place. Maybe this was why mom left. Because home was unhappy. Not all the time, but on most occasions. I woke up this morning to Jack getting home. He'd been gone since the wedding rehearsal, four days ago.

It was Wednesday, and dad had missed work yesterday and Monday Rachael had gotten us ready for the day. I had to go to preschool in the afternoon. I really liked it, the other girls liked fairies to, but I missed Jack and wanted to stay home.

Maybe I could fake cooties? I was a good actress. Jamie said that just means I'm a good liar. I didn't think of it as lying. To me it was more like a backwards version of what people don't wanna hear or know.

I slipped out of bed nearly forgetting my bunny and fairy doll. The two things I took everywhere. Grabbing them I walked out of my room. It was lonely in there sometimes, especially at night. Without someone tucking me in or reading me to sleep.

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