Chapter Eleven: Months and Months

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Chapter Eleven: Months and Months



-"Im sorry Merida, about pressuring you yesterday I understand if your not ready to tell me you reason for quitting football and I want you to know when you are ready im open ears," Rapunzel rushed out as I went to grab a thing of flower seeds.

"Its okay really Punz," I said for the millionth time. However she still continued to apologies when I had obviously already forgave her.

"Im really really really sorry," She continued and I looked at Elsa on Rapunzels other side.

My eyes plead for help and she nodded, "Hey Punz how about we start planting over there," Elsa says taking a thing of flower seeds and shoving them in Rapunzel hands pushing her along.

Most of the town had came to help. We were planting seed now so that they will hopefully bloom this spring however in my opinion it was still to early to be planting and we should do it in spring. But Rapunzel parents were busy with other charity things they had to squeeze planting anywhere they had time.

Which happened to be now right before it started to get cold. I wasn't so sure if there would actually be flowers this spring will just have to see. Getting on my knees I dug in the small hand shovel into the dirt making a small hole.

I really didn't want to be doing this. However I had to Rapunzel was my friend and I had to be there to support her. Its what we do for each other. Me, Punz, and Els were always there for one another no matter what.

Which made me feel stupid for not telling them. However still I couldn't tell them it was like I was to scared. Which was odd I was always the brave one at everything. I guess there are some things I wasn't made to be brave. Having a child was definitely one of them.

It was odd thing thinking a product of me and some other unknown person was forming inside me. I shivered dropping seeds in the ground. Just then a woman plotted down by me a stroller next to her.

She was a dirty haired blonde no older than twenty three. Her stomach was huge and suddenly I felt panicked. I was gonna look like that one day soon and I won't be able to hide it. I gulped I wasn't sure how many months I could actually hide it.

Eventually everyone would find out. My mother would find out. I bit my lip the woman looked at me, "Hello, oh I love your hair," She squeaks her voice sound like a chipmunk that had swallowed a squirrel.

"Huh, thanks?" I said my eyes looked from her enlarged stomach to her hazel eyes, "Um, Im Merida."

"Miranda!" she says the baby in the stroller let out a cry, "Thats Benjamin," She was slowly trying to stand up but couldn't seem to, "Can you hand him his bottle."

"Yah sure," Standing up I slid off a muddy glove before grabbing a bottle and putting it in the mouth of the whinning one year old. Its blue eyes looked into mine and it smiled slightly its bottle still in its mouth.

Would my baby smile at me like that? I wondered. What would it look like? What color would its eyes be? Would it have feckles? Would it be a boy or girl? Would it be cursed with my untamed curls?

Still in thought I sat back down putting on my glove, "Hes adorable," I said softly.

"He gets it from his father," She says a smile on her lips.

"So um how far along?" I asked.

"Two weeks over due but thats ain't gonna stop me no, im gonna keep movin intill I pop, sister!" She says. "Im hoping for a girl."

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