Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Color Of Lies, Love, and Jealousy

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Chapter Twenty-Seven:The Color Of Lies, Love, and Jealousy

Eugene P.O.V

It wasn't new.

The whole brother pop out of no where bit. He always did have a dramatic flare appearing in the worst and strangest of times. Flynn was the darker twin the more troubled. I wouldn't go as far as labeling him evil but he did use the sick ways of a demon.

He had a less pleasant way of getting what he wanted, and he always got what he wanted. I'd like to blame it his incredible skills at blackmailing for what I was about to do but then again he was my brother.

"I've gotten my self in a bit of a jam Gene," it was one statement that I heard the most of out of his mouth, "I need  your help bro."

An as easy as he could pull the blackmail from his pocket I was doing his dirty work. An as much as I wish I was strong enough to turn away from him even with blackmail I couldn't. He was family and that was my weakness. He was basically all I had.

Pushing my hair back I raised my hand to knock on the door my lips pressed tight. I forced a apologizing smile as the door swung open. She looked at me in shock standing covered in paint and flour pink icing stained her shirt and fingers. 

Her face flushed, "Eugene," She smiled.

"Hey Blondie," I said.

Rapunzel smiled softly her eyes filled with something so unfamiliar I knew it was only one thing it could be. Love. An suddenly the guilt I was forcing to my face was real. I couldn't do it. Just as I was about to turn and run I remembered Flynn looking at me pleading.

An suddenly I forced my words to tumble from my lips in thick remorse. "I'm sorry Punzie for ignoring you but I...Its just been crazy," It was true, which calmed me a bit for the lie I was about to tell, "Listen I want to make it up to you, which is why I planned a whole night just about  you."

Her eyes brightened, and I broke. A smile spread across her lips so wide it was painful. I couldn't breath I felt like I swallowed fire and it was burning my heart eternally never melting or turning to ash. It wasn't the spark that glowed with love, no its the the one that stings with the loss of it.

"I'd love to go on a date with you," She spoke as if I gave her a whole world of her own.

"Great lets go," I reached grabbing her hands that were sticky with sugar. 

"Now!"  She squeaked.

"Yep do keep up Blondie," I state opening the passenger door for her.

"Wait I can't go anywhere looking like this!" She exclaimed.

"What I think you look perfect," and she did, so perfect that it scared me.

Unworthy was clearly planted on my forehead and yet she over looked it. She kissed my flaws and smiled at my failures as if I saved orphans from a burning building or a kitten from a tree.



A thief I was, a thief i'd would always be. An here I stood with the greatest heist one at which I couldn't return if I offered it on a silver tray. Her heart. One at which was beating in my hand so fragile and easy to crush. An that what scared me the most. All I stole was always destroyed or taken from me.

Rapunzel smiled again it made me heart stab me in the ribs, ¨Thank you but I really can go out like this just give me like ten minutes to change.¨

¨Fine ten minutes! Even a second over and I'm leaving you behind!" I joked.

She rolled her eyes before pulling me back towards her house and I through the front door. I knew her house like the back of my hand. I knew every camera, every alarm pass code. I studied the house before breaking in the first time, the time Punz caught me and I convinced her it was so I could ask her to prom.

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