Chapter Twenty-Two: Sooner Or Later

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Sooner Or Later


Jack had ditched school and me yesterday to be romantic Romeo and staying with sick Elsa. No big deal. Untill today. Now I think it was kind to think of somebody besides himself for once and take care of his wife. However it is no fun sitting next to him in every class while he sneezed up Antarctica.

"Ahhhhjjjoooo!" He sneezed loudly.

I moved slightly away, "Nothing personal but if you sneeze on me one more time you might just not wake up tomorrow morning!"

Horrible I know but I haven't been in the best moods lately. Stress doesn't make anyone happy. Jack glared, "I feel bad for your future wife, poor poor Red, and you children when some one sneeze you hand them a tissue not a death threat!"

I rolled my eyes and handed Jack a tissue. "There happy?"

"Words can't describe!" He replied I wasn't sure how much sarcasm was pouring from him but it sure as the hell didn't equal up to the snot from his nose.

I scratched away with my pencil at my sketch book. Some drawings other odd names I made up in attempt to keep family traditional viking names that we're like well Hiccup or even more horrid Fishlegs or Snotlout.

I loved my cousins and all but names we'd all been cursed . However our names might be horrible but not all viking names had to be that bad just enough to frighten of knoams and trolls just not to much to make Merida punch me for even thinking of the name.

My progress was exactly at zero I hadn't a idea on a name. Apart of me hoped Merida had better luck but I still wanted to at least name one and possibly keep a family tradition going. Jack insisted I name atleast one after him. An I replied, "Oh, so you want me to name my child after you so they can walk around supporting idiot."

He found it very offending and said, "Just because you knocked up some girl doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it!"

The bell rang not a second after. I grabbed my stuff and rushed out. Jack followed sneezing behind me. "Listen I'm sorry Jack," I said once we were in my car. I'd drove him this morning because hes not feeling well thats what he gets for ditching school and hanging apound with a sick person, "I just have a lot on my mind."

"Your not the only one, my father wants to move the wedding closer possibly in December only if he doesn't have another business trip," Jack groaned, "hopefully he has to leave."

"Jack the weddings going to happen one way or another, why does it matter when?" I asked.

He sniffed sneezing in a series of threes before replying, "It doesn't matter when, but whether it happens."

"You promised Emma you won't mess up another one of your father's marriages," I reminded.

He smirked, "I know, and I plan on keeping it," he looks at me, "Which is exactly why I am letting them ruin it themselves, there is no possible way they can last together, my fathers to secretive and strick and Rachael is to opened and peppy and whatever and the hell else."

I took in a breath looking at Jack for a second than at the road, "What if your wrong and things work out. "

He opened his mouth then pressed his lips together, "I don't know, but it won't last," he then paused as his phone buzzed, "Can you drop me off at Elsa, I need to borrow some of the cold medicine we got from Oakens."

"Sure," I said.

"Oh and could you pick me up after your done doing whatever?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Yah whatever."

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