Chapter Nine: Twins + Test= Terror

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Chapter Nine: Twins + Test = Terror


I couldn't breath as I slid into the car. My heart was pounding and I felt scared, unsure, and sort of relieved. I heard Jack as he strapped Sophie in the back. He was mumbling stuff about all this being unbelievable.

It was unbelievable, I looked at the white haired boy as he slid in the driver seat, "Buckle up E.Q," I attempted to do so but my fingers wouldn't stop shaking.

He sighed leaning over and buckling me in. I looked at him so many more important questions pound in my heaf however I asked, "E.Q?"

He smirked, "Evil Queen duh," He shrugged.

"Of all people I accidentally marry it had to be you, didn't it?" I said.

"Marry?" Sophie says, "You got married like daddy is going yo, Jackie! You got married! Why wasnt I the flower girl! JACKIE!"

Jack glared at me, "Thanks," he turned to his little sister, "Sophie you miss understood she didn't say accidently marry she said accidently merry?"

I mentality face palmed myself I turned to look at Sophie and I smiled. How could such a cute sweet girl be related to him, "Sophie can you keep a secret?"

The green eyed girl nodded, "Yes!"

"Good," I said, "Me and your brother were accidently married and we need to fix it, and were gonna need your help, you must not tell anyone pinky promise," I held up my pinking.

She giggled and held up her own. Just as our finger curled together Jack took my hand away and I raised my eyebrow at him. He pointed to the silver ring, "To start mission divorce, im gonna need my rings back."

"I wish I could do that but sadly," I said, "Merida is in need of a motorcycle."

"Thats not far there mine!" He says.

"Hey whats yours is mine, husband," I smirked Merida so owed me.Then again maybe she didn't because Jacks face was priceless. An cute...forget I add that.


I tapped my foot patiently as I sat in the house of Jack Frost. My fingers tapped on my knee and I chewed my lip. Jack was in the other room yelling at Hiccup Haddock the nerd boy Merida hated. Or at least seemed to.

She had a hate love for him not that she'd admit it. It wasn't obvious I was her best friend of course I could tell when my little Merida was crushing. Shed kill me if she knew I calles her little Merida in my mind.

I watched Sophie play with her dolls and I could hear Jack and Hiccup voice raising each second. Hiccup had lost Jack twin siblings. I know my though exactly HOW MANY FROST ARE THERE!! Anyway I let out a tired sigh taking in a breath.

"Hey fairy princess weres the bathroom?" I asked.

Sophie looked up at me with a smile, "The downstairs is getting rixed up theres one upstairs by the pictures of the big scary woman, Auntie Sun."

Standing up with my purse I patted Sophie the head and awkwardly made my way up the stairs. The house was rather big however so was mine, the only difference was this one was unfamiliar. The place looked like something from a catalog, it seemed to look as if the people here were trying to hard to make it appear normal and perfect.

There were only a few pictures on the walls. Old ones I knew this because my husband was no longer a short brown haired boy with a missing tooth. Huh so his hair was dyed and her wore blue contacts interesting.

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