Chapter Fourteen: Good Luck Jelsa

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Chapter Fourteen: Good Luck Jelsa

Merida (P.O.V)

I stared blankly at her hold back every inch of shock as she held the box that had held the stupid test had told me I was infact pregnant. My first instinct was to punch her in the face and make her have amnesia. I usually went with my first instinct however I went with the second and I lied.

"Ay failed it, I'm not ah 'ave a baby," it was a pretty good lie however Astrid was my twin we had that odd twin telepathy thing whatever it was called.

Where we knew each others feeling most of the time, if the other was in trouble and most of all whether one was telling the truth. Astrid took the box and threw it at my head, "Oh my Mordu, Oh my Mordu, what the hell you do! What were you thinking it? You dumb, dumb sister of mine!" she yelled.

I knew she was upset she tended to yell insults and say things atleast twice. I flinched as she punched the steering wheel and then my shoulder. I would have hit her back if it wasn't for the fact I began to panic she knew. Had she told mom?

"I should have known I mean your gaining wait, throwing up, and not to mention your boobs are looking bigger than mine!"

I covered my face, "Ye had to yell the last one, yer windows down idiot people can hear ye!"

"Your pregnant Merida damn, your not even out of high school, what the hell are you gonna do?!" She exclaimed, "Your gonna be a mum...oh my damnness im gonna be an Aunt," she looked at me emotions whelmed in her eyes, "Shit Mer, im not sure whether to be excited or pissed!"

We sat there in silence only the sound of cars driving by could be heard. Astrid leaned back in her seat and pushed back her blonde bangs. She stared forward then looked at me our blue eyes held the same panic.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Astrid demand.

Suddenly my panicked turn to anger and I was extremely frustrated, "Ay don't know maybe cause its none of yer goddamn business!" she flinched at the words she onced used on me when she decided to movie miles away to some private school. When she left me and threw away our plans like they were nothing, like I was nothing.

Astrid looked at me, "Merida you can't still be upset about that I apologized, beside this isn't about that, this is about you not telling me that your having a child, Im your sister!"

"Yah and thats all ye are, a bitch sister who likes to come around only long enough to jump inta my life and try makin me believe that thinks can go back ta the way they were only to leave me hangin all over again!" I hissed.

She rolled her eyes, "Your actin like a childish brat!"

"An yer actin like more annoyin mum!" I pointed, "An just so ye know ay didn't tell anyone, the only person who knew figured it out and is know dead, yer the only one now who knows now."

Astrid sighed leaning on the door closing her eyes. An I did the same trying to calm down. Years ago, me and Astrid decide to runaway, because of mum. We had packed up everything planned everything from where we were going to how much money we were gonna need ta stay on our feet.

We had decided for the first half we'd stay In the woods camp there, hunt our food and live like they people on thoses stupid survival shows until the searchs for the missing twin DunBroch died down.

Everything was fine untill the accident. -"Mer I don't think this is a good idea," Astrid whispered as we stared at the old cabin.

"Oh come on its abandoned its the perfect place ta stay fer awhile," I tell her grabbing my duffle bag from the ground and pushing through the bushes.

Teenagers (Jelsa, Mericcup, etc...)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat