Chapter Twenty-Nine: Where Relationships End & Fist Begin

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Chapter Twenty-Nine:Where Relationships End & Fist Begin

Jack P.O.V

I'd like to say that when I was forced out of bed by Hiccup that morning I was grateful that he cared enough about my education to make me go school. That however was not in anyway true. This could have very well been the worsted hangover of my life. And that was quite a claim considering that I found out I was married during my last one.

"Where gonna be late," Hiccup sung as he yanked my blanket free from my legs. I knew Elsa must have told him about last night because he made a attempt to be more annoying than usual. He spoke loud and didn't give me a second to comprehend what was going on.

I was pulled to my feet and shoved towards the bathroom. I hit my leg against the corner of my dresser and hiss sending a glare towards my bestfriend. He smiled cheekily at me and I nearly rung his neck.

"Shower you smell like a gym locker that's been turned into a rundown bar," He says to me, "While you do that I'll rummage through you cabinets for breakfast and some Advil. Sophie's awake and demands ice cream if your not down there in ten I'm giving her your tub."

With that he was skipping out my room the sound of things breaking sung from the kitchen. I groaned stumbling to the shower. The water was ice on my skin waking me up. I stood for a couple moments just letting the water wash away all the traces of my embarrassment.

Elsa must think I'm such a child. Someone who needs to be cuddled, a reckless boy with daddy issues. Leaning my head against the title wall of my bathroom, I cursed. It wouldn't surprise me if she decided I was to much to handle and keep her distances while waiting for the divorce.

"I make a mess of everything," I whispered. I finished showering and dressed quickly in clothes that Hiccup left out for me. Sometimes he liked to play the role of my mother. Other times the role of my father.

"You need a parentally figure in your life,"  He told me when I confronted him on his actions. Hiccup was my best friend, he was a brother to me. I told him that and how I didn't need him to be anymore than that.

Hiccup was stubborn though and no matter what I said would stop him from parenting me. He told me right from wrong as if I didn't know already. He forced me to school like on days like to day. He was there when I needed to cry - in a manly way- on his shoulders.

Dressing in the clothes he left me I started down stairs. I was thankful for his choices. Sweatpants and a hoodie was just what I need. Comfort was critical to hangovers. Hangovers were like the small less than 24 hour sickness just self-induced.

Down stairs Sophie was eating cold leftover pizza for breakfast. The twins were long gone leaving orange juice spills in there place and Hiccup was gulping down bitter leftover coffee which he had obviously heated up in the microwave.

When he seen me he threw a bottle of Advil which I nearly didn't catch. Taking Sophie juice I took the medication gratefully, "Hey!" she cried threw pepperoni and pizza sauce, "Get you own!"

I ruffled her tangles and slumped in a chair. The toaster popped and Hiccup presented me with toast. "Bon appétit," He says sipping his drink, "The twins are getting dressed and promised to get Sophie to pre-school, now eat so we can get to school test first period."

"Ugh!" I groaned.

"Made you flash cards," he pulled out a deck of white index cards that where rubber band together, "Suggest you start studying, you don't have much time."


The start of my terrible day began with a headache and the need for sunglasses. As the school day progressed I found that hell was more reasonable than others. Elsa checked on me during lunch to see if I was okay.

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