Chapter Thirty-Two: Words Fail, and This Is All You Get

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Chapter Thirty-Two: Words Fail, and This Is All You Get


I know what you're thinking what would I know about love? But really what does anyone know about it. Love is different for everyone. However, no matter what love is for someone, one aspected about it remains constant.

Love is complicated.

So complicated in fact it's terrifying. And to make matters worse it makes one do some very stupid and reckless things.

Like this for example.

"Jack it's January!" I cried, "Its freezing I am not following you at two in the morning to Satan knows were because your bored!"

Jack sat just outside my open window. The cold breeze blew in rustling my blue snowflake curtains.

He look mighty uncomfortable in the tree in thin jeans and one of his signature blue hoodies.

"Come on live a little EQ besides the twins and Sophie are already in the car," he tells me.

"You mean to tell me you put your siblings out in this bloody weather!" I exclaimed, "I should kill you right now!"

"Oh, come on for were where going they don't mind especially not today!" He looked so earnest with his pretty blue eyes and pleading grin.

I would have screamed 'yes' if it wasn't for my sleeping family in the quiet rooms around.

"Okay," I sighed, "Just let me change!"

"There's no time just grab some shoes and a coat and let's go!" He said, "We have a appointment to make."

"Yes! Now hurry!" He demanded.

In a rushed twirl I slid my boots over my fluffy green socks and grabbed the hoody I still had of Jacks and my purple coat. The scarf I grabbed was strangely yellow and I grabbed a pair of gloves that did not match each other one white and the other teal.

I then ran to the window, "Move!" I shewed him away and began to close my window.

"Hey what are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm not climbing down that tree not even for you princess I'll meet you outside," I replied.

And out my room I went grabbing my phone and keys. I crept silently past Anna's door. Her door was slightly ajar her body slumped arm dangling off the bed. Her mouth was wide open drooling everywhere and her hair was in disarray.

I smiled fondly before continuing towards the staircase. It was there I was startled by a small voice.

"Were you goin'?" Olaf yawned and rubbed his dark eyes.

I looked as if I'd been caught with my hand in the cookie jar again. "Just outside go back to bed."

"I'm not tired mommy and daddy left early this morning, and Anna sleeps like death!" He whines, "I can't go to sleep and I'm bored and don't wanna be alone!"

I sighed looking down the steps then back to my little brother, "Quick grab your boots and dress warm!"

"Where we going?" He asked.

"We're going to go live a little!" I answered.


I sat in my small crammed workshop staring at the board before me. With the information i'd gathered from everyone of the forgotten night I put together a evidence board. In spite of the red string that attached points crossed the board nothing truly seemed to connect.

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