Chapter Thirty-Three: Flowers for a Ghost, and Thorns for the Living

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Chapter Thirty-Three: Flowers for a Ghost, and Thorns for the Living


I didn't leave my room for the first few weeks after the breakup. I went to school and returned to my room. With the acceptation of visiting Merida and Elsa a total of twice outside of school. Other than that my bedroom had adapted to my every need. I took the old microwave from the basement cleaned in at now it sat on my desk. My bathroom connected to my room had been well in uses with excessive bubble baths.

Id lived of junk food, Ramon noodles, school cafeteria food which was not healthy but I could care. I was grieving the loss of the love of my life. I know he's not dead but he might as well have been for I hadn't seen him once. He wasn't at school hadn't been appeared he dropped out. 

People pitied. Guys the dick kind suddenly were convinced I was free game. Since Eugene wasn't there any longer there was no looming intimidation to keep procures at bay. I wasn't the prettiest girl in school and I certainly wasn't the hottest. But I legs and boobs so I was therefore a possible hookup. 

Jeremy was the only one I allowed in my room and that was simply because he could pick the lock and get in if he wanted to. My walls ran out of places to paint and every other paintable surface had been covered. My canvases had all been used. Id used most of my paint I'd ran out of white and black two days before and red and yellow was at its limited. I only had half my shades of the purple left and my violent brush strokes had snapped seven of my wide tip paint brushes.

I had began to paint Jeremy's converse with fabric paint as we sat of the floor across from each other his feet in my lap, "Rap," he said after a half an hour of silence we hadn't talked much in the last few weeks his presences was often constant but his words rarely present. I couldn't push all the blame on him I hadn't attempted communication. 

"Hmm?" I hummed concentrating on my brush strokes painting a soft orange flower on the heel of his right foots shoe

"How'd you know?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow to my little thirteen year old brother, "Know what?"

"That you loved Rider?" he question his head leaning against the doors of my closet. 

I froze for only a moment. A soft smile formed on my face at the thought of the early days of me and Eugene, "I don't know its I mean its hard to describe it just happens I guess, not suddenly your feelings grow over time of course what I mean is it wasn't a single particular moment that made me know I loved him it kind of like a feeling that I always had in me for him that simply grew but I guess it might have been the first time he smiled at me or maybe it was when he first twirled his finger in my hair knotting it for his own amusement."

I finished with a sigh,my eyes watering slightly but I pushed down my tears I had cried enough. Finishing the flower I started to draw the stem and leaves. Jeremy remained quiet for a moment staring off into the distance.

"Why do you ask?" I questioned. He shifted uncomfortably pulling his feet from my lap to pull his knees into his chest. 

"No reason," he says.

"Is this about a girl?" I smirked teasing. He looked at me hurt almost his eyes watering. I loose all playfulness turning concerned, "What's wrong I was just teasing I'm not making fun of you."

He shifts away from me more, "I know, I'm sorry I'm just overreacting just forget it Rapunzel."

"You can talk to me about anything you know that right Jeremy?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, I know."

The silence was thick and awkward. I felt at fault for it somehow. What had I said? I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. Frowning I pushed aside my fabric paint. Slowly I stood up stretching. I needed out of this room. Pulling my long hair into a ponytail I reached for my keys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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