Chapter Twenty: As In Plural?

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Chapter Twenty: As In Plural?

Merida (P.O.V)

My eyes opened to the sound of a woman doctor speaking to my parents next to the hospital rooms door. I was facing the ceiling which was a light blue. My body ached I could hear my mothers calm collected voices.

"Will she be okay?" She asled.

The doctor spoke slowly, "Most of her injuries are miner, at least the ones we have detected so far, we still have to run some more test, other than that your daughter appears fine, as for whether the baby is okay were still waiting for the test results, however from what I know the baby will be fine and were planning a altar-"

The doctor was cut off by my mothers sudden demanding angry voice, "Did you say baby?"

"Uh, yes ma'am, as I was saying Mrs. DunBroch, were planning on doing a altar sound just to check on the baby," the doctor continued.

"Doctor, excuse me for yet another interruptions, but you mean to tell me that my seventeen year old daughter is pregnant!" My mothers voice boomed and I knew instantly I was dead.

Better start digging my grave now. There was a cast on my left arm it went from about my knuckles to my elbow. On my head was a thick white bandage which I could just barley see when I looked up. I could see bandage on other parts of my arms and legs.

I pulled off the blue and white hospital sheets. My right leg was propped on a pillows wrapped in a red cast that matched my arm cast. I frowned someone was trying to match the color of my hair.

Not that I didn't like red, it was one of my favorite colors. Right after green, like Hiccups eyes. Damn it HICCUP! My babies father.

"Merida!" My mother nearly screamed stepping in the room.

Damn it MOM! The end of my life, "Mum before ye freak out it was not my fault, the damn beer is ta blame."

"It is your fault! I've just had about enough of you lass, not only have you ruined your life, but you've embarrassed me, how do you think this makes me look," She yells, my father stood in a kinda awkward shocked way, "You can't possibly raises a child, you can barely take care of yourself, your to childish Merida you can't be a mother!"

Something snapped inside me, rage along with my damn anger issues kicked in, "Don't ye think ay know that! Im not ready for this! So get off my fucking cases!"

"Don't you raise your voice at me young lady, you ruined your life!" She says, "An most likely the future of this child, you can't be a parent, you won't be a good mom!"

"Like ye know what a good parent is! Ye were never there for me, and no my life isn't ruined, the life ye had planned for me is! Have ye ever bothered to ask me what ay wanted to do with my life, or who ay wanted ta be, no! Everything that is ruined is what ye been preparing me for my whole life," I paused the monitor by me going off.

A few doctors walked in but I didn't car I had managed to get out of be and stood on my casted foot ignoring the pain. My eyes glared into my mothers tears falling down my face.

"Its funny, the time ay need ye most ye still aren't here for me, an still ye don't listen, to your daughter...your child," I said with a frown as the doctors and nurses tried getting me back in bed and my parents out the room, "Tell me Elinor who a good mum."

Everything seemed still and quite as I sat back in bed and the nurse helped me prop up my leg and but pillows behind my back so I could sit up better. My parents were led out the room my mother looking at me hard, and I held my head up tears still falling.

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