Chapter Thirty Eight

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A/N: a bit of an emotional roller coaster, may cause emotional whiplash... sorry haha

~Amy's POV~

"GOOD MORNING PRINCESS MIGHT!" Present Mic's voice jolted me from my peaceful slumber, startling me enough I woke with a yelp and toppled off the sofa. I fell atop something warm, solid and fleshy and my lips smacked into another pair of lips. My face flushed an alarming shade of scarlet as I realized the person I'd just crushed and accidentally kissed was Todoroki. He reacted quick enough, despite having just been rudely awoken, and managed to wrap an arm around me to keep me from harm.

I could hear similar shouts of alarm from some of my other classmates and a strange choking sound from Midoriya followed by a loud indecipherable roar of rage from Bakugo. There were a few heavy sleepers who managed to sleep through the chaos. My heart thundered in my chest as I pulled away from a wide-eyed Todoroki. His face flushed scarlet to match mine. Was that his first kiss too?! An alarming thought crossed my mind, what was going to happen when Dad found out?!

"GOOD MORNING PRINCESS MIGHT!" The alarm continued screaming.

Jiro hurled the Present Mic caterpillar away and I watched in awe as someone caught it out of midair, a familiar someone with long shaggy dark hair, and tired bloodshot eyes, Mr. Aizawa. He turned off the alarm, as he scanned the room.

Everyone looked in his direction as the alarm stopped and we all held our breath. Mr. Aizawa set the now quiet Present Mic caterpillar plush on one of the sofas. His gaze fell on me in a very awkward position atop Todoroki. Did he see the kiss?! "Amy...a word, please." He beckoned me toward him before walking away.

I scrambled off of Todoroki and offered him a squeak of an apology, though I was sure my voice was too squeaky he probably hadn't made out what I'd said. Nervously, I followed after Mr. Aizawa. He stepped out the glass double doors into the courtyard and closed them behind me.

"It's my fault! Please don't punish anyone else, just me." I blurted before I could stop myself before biting my lip, "sorry." I apologized for my outburst and bowed my head.

Mr. Aizawa pointed to one of the benches outside.

I took a seat and braced myself for the scolding that was to come. I tried to stay strong and tell myself not to cry, no matter what, but it was useless there were already tears welling in my eyes. Everyone was going to get in trouble, because of me.

Mr. Aizawa sighed and placed a hand atop my head, "you're not getting punished, calm down."

"I-I'm not?" I asked with a sniffle.

"I have no idea how anyone possibly could." He grumbled as he dropped onto the bench beside me. "What happened?"

I bowed my head, "I had a woke everyone up...they were just trying to help me." I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Why didn't you call me or your Dad?" He asked with a frown.

"They were going to...I told them not to. It was really late, I already felt bad enough about waking everyone else up...and I'm worried Dad will make me go talk to someone..." I admitted quietly.

"It might not be a bad idea for you to talk to someone." Mr. Aizawa noted.

I hugged myself feeling like I needed comfort, "I don't want to talk about it...I just want to pretend it never happened and move on with my life so I can stop worrying everyone."

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