Chapter Nine

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Amy- Age 14

Izuku- Age 14

~Toshinori's POV~

By the time we left the hospital, it was dark. Amy had a broken wrist and due to using her quirk earlier had fainted so we prolonged our stay so the doctors could run a few tests and make sure she was alright. I had no idea her quirk was that strong, to stop a bullet, not one but three. Had Ayumi's quirk ever been that strong? I couldn't remember. If she could stop bullets, perhaps it was entirely possible she could lift a house. Her quirk wasn't even fully developed and it was already so much stronger than she could handle. She'd been quiet the whole time we'd been at the hospital. She put on a brave face and didn't cry or complain even when the doctors poked and prodded her. Not even when they set her wrist before putting it in a cast, did she make a peep.

"Honey, what's wrong?" I asked her worried as I tucked her release papers into the pocket of my baggy cargo pants and we headed for the exit.

"You were supposed to be helping Midoriya today..." She looked away from me and I felt my heart clench, she'd been feeling guilty all day and I hadn't even realized it.

"You don't have to worry about that." I smiled, "besides I'd already given Young Midoriya his training regimen for the day, he knew what to do for the rest of the day, he didn't really need me there." I tried to reassure her.


"What is it, Princess?" I was glad she was starting to talk again.

"How did you know I needed you?" She asked curiously.

"Makoto mentioned she needed to stop by the bank this morning, Young Midoriya subscribes to lots of hero bloggers and one of them sent out an emergency alert about a hostage situation at the bank." My mind had gone blank as soon as Midoriya read the alert on his phone. I took off, I wasn't even sure I'd said anything to him before I left. I hadn't even checked my phone to see if he tried to reach me, I'd been too worried about Amy.

"Oh...I should probably thank him then..." She gripped my hand in hers and I noticed a slight tremor in her fingers. Though she'd been putting on a brave face all day, the whole ordeal had really shaken her up. "I was wishing for you to come save me."

My heart constricted in my chest, as I thought of her scared and alone, crying for my help. What would have happened if Young Midoriya weren't such a fanboy? I couldn't bear to think about it any longer. I released her hand and wrapped my arm around her slender shoulders pulling her against me as we walked.

"I just wish I'd gotten there sooner." I hugged her close.

"A-at least no one got hurt." She smiled softly.

I cleared my throat, "pretty sure the cast on your arm says otherwise."

She looked guilty again, "I'm sorry."

"What for?" I stared at her in awe.

"It was my first time going out without you, and I got hurt and now you're going to worry anytime I leave the house."

I chuckled at this, "I'll worry anytime you leave the house, regardless, because you're my precious little princess and its my job to worry about you."

She leaned against me with a smile before glancing around as she realized she had no idea where we'd ended up. "Where are we going?"

"The doctor said you should take it easy, which means no cooking, so what if we had ice cream for dinner?" I beamed causing her to giggle.

"I don't know that ice cream is good for dinner." Amy's sweet laughter warmed my heart.

"Sure, it is."

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