Chapter Thirty Seven

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~Amy's POV~

I called Dad after getting ready for bed though I had a feeling it was going to be another sleepless night. At least I got a nap earlier in the day at lunchtime. He picked up before the phone could even ring.

"Princess, it's a little late, are you just now getting to bed?" He answered before I could get a word in.

"Ah, yeah, we all wanted to see each other's rooms and it took a while." I blushed.

"Oh, all that walking around didn't bother you did it?" He was in worry mode.

"N-no, I'm okay." I smoothed out my pale blue nightgown and sat on the edge of my bed. I left the light on and had all my battery-operated candles and all the plush that lit up on, trying to create as much light in my room as possible.

"Alright." He sounded a little skeptical but didn't press the issue. "Is the room okay?"

I smiled and hugged the light up butterfly he'd left me tightly against me, "it's perfect. Thanks Dad...and thanks for my new friend."

"I thought it would be a little less alarming to wake up to than that caterpillar from Present Mic." He chuckled.

I giggled.

"Are you in bed?" He asked trying to use his stern voice.

I scrambled to get under the covers and smiled as I heard him chuckle on the other end. "I am now."

"Tucked in?"

"Yep." I giggled as I pulled the blankets and all my essential plushies closer.

"Snug as a bug in a rug?" Dad asked.

I couldn't help but giggle at this, "mhm."

"Alright. I love you Princess."

"I love you too Dad."

"Sweet dreams."

I hung up and set my phone on the wireless charging pad atop my nightstand before reaching for the tablet. I propped it up on my nightstand so I could see it from my pillow and pressed play. The adorably and peppy theme song of my favorite pony show sounded softly through the small speakers. I hugged my pile of plushies close and willed myself to fall asleep.

An entire season later and I still couldn't seem to sleep. I laid in bed staring at the tablet hugging my plushies afraid to look anywhere else around the room for fear I'd see the horrifying white Nomu that had tortured me. Sunlight filtered through my blinds and I groaned as I realized I only had a few hours until I needed to get up.

"Please sleep." I begged my body to listen to me and closed my eyes.

The moment I did I saw the horrific white Nomu's gnashing teeth behind my eyelids and let out a soft shriek before clapping my hands over my mouth. I rolled over mentally kicking myself for how immature I was acting. It was over, I'd survived and the scary Nomu was dead...because of me. There was nothing to be freaking out about anymore. No one would tell me if I'd killed it, but I knew it had to have been me...just like that time when I first got my quirk. As I rolled over, I thought I saw the Nomu standing in the corner of my room and fell out of bed with a yelp.

There was nothing there.

Tears welled in my eyes and I wrapped my arms around my legs pulling my knees to my chest. Was it haunting me? Would it follow its master's orders even in death and torment me until I died? I glanced around the room but there was no sign of it. It was more likely that I was just losing my mind and hallucinating from lack of sleep.

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