Chapter Eleven

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~Very briefly: Izuku's POV~

Once the door to the ice cream parlor shut, I felt my body topple out of my chair as I let out an indecipherable squeal. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" I couldn't breathe.

"You alright over there, kid?" The Ice cream parlor owner asked me with a wary look.

"My first kiss! It was with a cute girl!" I rambled as the ice cream parlor owner came over to see if I was okay. Though I'd been coming here since I was a little kid, I had no idea what his name was.

He frowned down at me, "I'm not sure that's considered a first kiss, son." He offered me a hand up. "She kissed you on the cheek." He laughed as he pulled me up and dusted me off.

"I know! It was amazing!" I said with a dreamy sigh as I thought back on the kiss that happened mere minutes ago.

A cute girl kissed me! My first kiss! I have to tell mom! My first kiss and it was a cute girl. A terrifying thought that made all the color drain from my face flashed across my mind. She's All Might's daughter! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! What do I do?!

His threatening words from a few days ago and the terrifying look that had masked his face as he said them echoed in the back of my mind, "I like you fanboy, but if you don't leave now, I will hurt you."

"AH!" I let out a wail and scrambled to collect my school things.

"Ah, youth." The shop owner chuckled and returned to the counter as I made a mad dash for the door in a confused terrified yet euphoric panic.

As I raced down the shop lined street in the direction of my house, I paused as I spotted a bookstore. I remembered the look on Amy's face as I asked her about the book she'd left behind. She said it was okay but she had looked sad about it. Even though I didn't have a quirk and I babbled to her all afternoon about my dream of being a hero, she didn't laugh at me she was encouraging and supportive. She may have thought it was nothing, but it meant a lot to me, I wanted to make it up to her. I headed into the bookstore hoping they had a copy of the book she'd dropped in the alley.

~Toshinori's POV~

She kissed him! What the hell was that about?! Kissing was definitely not allowed! Midoriya is in big trouble! I groaned inwardly as we arrived at home. Amy had been unusually quiet on the way home with a soft smile splayed across her pale pink lips. She went to the kitchen table to start on her homework and I hesitated near the front door.

Toshinori! Go back there and knock some sense into that boy! Ayumi's voice screamed in my head. I was torn, I liked the fanboy, a lot, but I also really wanted to hurt him right now and tell him to stay as far away from my daughter as humanly possible. I couldn't do that; he didn't do anything wrong. He saved her life. Lay down the law! No filthy boy is allowed to get close to our Princess! I could imagine Ayumi screaming at me.

I looked at Amy as she started pulling text books out of her backpack. She looked to be having a little bit of trouble with her injured wrist. I should probably talk to her. It was normal for parents to have a discussion with their kids when they'd done something like broken curfew. Though...we had never really set a curfew since she didn't really do anything after school, occasionally she'd stop by a bookstore but she was almost always home right away. Today was a first. Since we hadn't ever set up rules I couldn't exactly punish her for breaking them.

"Amy?" I cleared my throat and stepped into the kitchen.

She looked up curiously before glancing at the clock and paling suddenly, "Ah- I didn't make dinner!" She practically rocketed out of her seat.

Princess of Peace [BNHA]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang