Chapter Twenty Three

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~All Might's POV~

I was nervous about the finals. After much deliberation on how to divide Class 1A up for their finals we decided to group them into pairs and one team of three. Amy was teamed up with young Midoriya and young Bakugo, against me. I didn't like the match up at all. Amy didn't like violence and had a hard time using her quirk offensively but she was still the biggest threat of the three because her quirk was so strong, she was also my biggest weakness. The only way I'd be able to focus on helping Young Midoriya and Young Bakugo was to remove Amy from the equation.

The night before the dreaded final, I checked in on Amy to tell her it was time for bed and tuck her in. She'd fallen asleep at her desk, pencil still in hand with her head laying across her open textbook. Her long sunshine golden hair spilled over the edge of her desk. I knew she was feeling a little self-conscious and was being hard on herself. She didn't think she belonged in the hero course, I wanted her to see what everyone else saw, that she'd make an excellent hero and she was already great at it. I wished she had a little more confidence in herself.

I noticed two plushies sitting atop her bed that I hadn't seen before. They both looked new and not like something I'd normally pick out for her. One was a spiky looking hedgehog in a bright orange color, the other was a blue cat. I thought back on when she'd gotten home from school earlier in the day, she had looked a little red in the face and escaped to her room rather quickly to dive into her studies. Perhaps someone had given them to her at school. I paled as an even more frightening thought crossed my mind, what if a boy had given them to her?!

"Princess?" I called to her softly as I took the pencil from her hand and set it down on her desk seeing if she'd stir awake so I could ask her about the plushies.

She was sound asleep.

It would have to wait. I gently picked her up and smiled to myself as she mumbled some math equation in her sleep. I set her on the bed and was about to move the plushies out of the way and give her one of the ones I'd gotten for her but she reached for them in her sleep and snuggled them. She mumbled two names in her sleep as she grabbed each of the plushies, Bakugo when she grabbed the hedgehog and Todoroki when she grabbed the cat. I stared down at her sleeping form in awe. Not one...but two boys had given her plushies...what did that mean?!

Toshinori! What the hell are you doing?! Ayumi's voice raged inside my head. BEAT THOSE PUNKS NOW! I'd originally been intending to hold back a lot against Young Midoriya and Young Bakugo in their final, but that merciful thought flew out the window as Amy snuggled the orange hedgehog plush. I'd fully embrace my role as the villain in the final.

I placed a kiss to Amy's forehead and pulled the blankets around her. "Goodnight, Princess." I turned off the lights as I exited her room and retreated to my room.

The next morning, Amy woke up early and made a big breakfast for us. She didn't question me about the final like I'd originally expected her to. I should have known better she was too sweet and wouldn't want to have any unfair advantages over her classmates. She seemed to be very much in her head about the upcoming practical of the final. She'd managed to cut her hand and burn herself while making breakfast.

"Princess, are you okay?" I asked worried as I turned off the stove and ushered her away from it before she could hurt herself further.

"S-sorry." She bowed her head her bright blue eyes fell on her legs and I noticed her cheeks begin to redden as she realized she still had her pajama pants on under her school skirt. I'd thought she'd just been chilled this morning and didn't think anything of it until she groaned. It seemed she didn't do it intentionally.

I reached out and placed a hand to her forehead to make sure she wasn't running a fever. She felt normal. "What's wrong?"

She bit her lip, "I'm worried I'm going to mess up and make you look bad...I've been trying to practice everyday but I'm no good at fighting people and—." I placed a hand atop her head to stop her from working herself up further.

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