Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: So there's been some confusion regarding Thirteen's gender the wiki says female but I double checked the manga on my shelf and the manga does use male pronouns, so sorry for the oops

~Amy's POV~

It was only the first week of school and I was seriously starting to doubt myself. I felt like I didn't belong. I wasn't cut out to be a hero, I'd just be a liability to everyone. My quirk scared me and I couldn't control it very well. In a self-depreciating spiraling daze, I blindly followed my classmates onto the bus to take us to the off-site facility we'd be practicing rescue training at.

I slumped into a seat in silence and stared down at my hands folded into my lap trying to find a reason for me to be here. Izuku had inspired me, his passion made me want to be a hero and help him on his way to becoming a hero. Despite him cheering me on, I felt like I was just messing up. I was causing problems for everyone else.

Everyone was having a lively discussion around me, but I couldn't focus on anything other than my own worthlessness. Maybe it wasn't too late to talk to dad about dropping out entirely or switching over to General Studies even he could probably see I didn't belong here. I'd made a mess of everything during our fight training, I didn't even fight, I couldn't fight. The conversation started to die down, I thought I heard Mr. Aizawa's voice.

A moment later someone grabbed me roughly by the shoulder and shook me. I glanced upward and found myself ensnared by a pair of angry deep crimson eyes. A barely audible squeak escaped me as I found myself face to face with a livid Bakugo. His eyes widened for a moment as he held my teary gaze.

"Move, loser!" He snarled and lightly shoved me. Though he hadn't put much force behind his shove, I nearly toppled out of my seat and into the aisle. I managed to catch myself and realized everyone else was starting to exit the bus.

A few of my classmates looked to me curiously as I stumbled out of my seat. I hadn't even realized I'd been sitting next to Bakugo. Perhaps I should have tried to pay more attention to my surroundings.

Bakugo scowled at me, I was still in his way. He reached toward me and I instinctively flinched.

Nothing happened.

Shakily I peeked up at him to find him glaring down at me.

"What the hell is your problem?" He glowered.

"I'm sorry." I squeaked and bowed awkwardly before running away following the rest of the class off the bus.

"Amy are you okay?" Jiro asked me as I stepped off the bus. She and the rest of the girls threw scowls in Bakugo's direction as they surrounded me and ushered me away from the bus like a bunch of mother hens.

"A-ah, I'm fine." I panicked.

"Was Bakugo bullying you again?" Yaoyorozu asked and out of the corner of my eye I noticed him shoot a dark glare in our direction.

"WHAT?!" He raged.

"A-ah, n-no, he wasn't." I yelped.

I glanced around as we reached the USJ. Dad was supposed to be here. I didn't see him anywhere. My stomach tied itself into nervous knots. Did something happen? Maybe he'd just done a little more hero-ing than normal this morning and was at his limit. I couldn't seem to focus on anything, my mind was focused inward on my inability to do anything and then worrying about Dad, Midoriya and all my classmates.

I was so focused on myself; I completely missed the speech from Thirteen. He was a Pro Hero that specialized in rescues. When I finally shook myself from my dwindling thoughts, the power begun to flicker. I noticed the fountain in the center of the giant dome shaped building begin to sputter. Was there some kind of power surge?

Princess of Peace [BNHA]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora