Chapter Eight

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~Amy's POV~

I woke on Saturday morning later than I had anticipated. Dad and I had stayed up late watching the pony movie and the sequel that had just come out. They were ridiculously childish but they meant a lot to me. Dad teared up during the second movie because of the powerful messages about friendship being able to overcome all obstacles. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I got out of bed.

Voices drifted into my room from the kitchen. Someone was here? I straightened out the childish froufrou-y pink nightgown dad had bought me when he took me to the Disney Resort for my birthday last year, and stepped out of my bedroom trying to stifle a yawn. I spotted Makoto sitting at the small kitchen table with Dad drinking a cup of coffee. Her warm brown eyes fell on me and she squealed in delight.

"Aren't you just the cutest!"

Dad turned and smiled, "Good morning, Princess."

"Good morning." I replied back softly, "sorry for oversleeping, I can make breakfast-."

"It's alright, Princess, I had an early start this morning." He'd been training with Midoriya ever since he'd met him, they'd been starting their days before the sun rose. I'd tried to wake up early to prepare him breakfast and lunches to take with him. After the first few days he told me not to worry about it upon realizing I didn't function well getting up that early.

Makoto got up from the table and pulled me in for a warm hug. "Amy, convince your dad to let me kidnap you for the day for some retail therapy."

"Huh?" I was thrown off by her hug that nearly knocked me off my feet, "did something happen?" I asked her worried as I hugged her back just so I could stay upright.

"We'll save the boy talk for later." Makoto winked as she released me from her hold.

"B-boy talk?" Dad's voice cracked.

Makoto giggled, "come on, All Might, Amy's a teenager of course we're going to have boy talk."

I didn't really know any boys to talk about but Makoto looked like she really needed someone to talk to, even if she was hiding it well. I didn't like asking for things though. Nervously I glanced over at Dad, "is it okay if I spend the day with Makoto?"

Dad hesitated. He looked momentarily concerned but reluctantly nodded, "alright." His gaze flicked to Makoto as she grinned.

"Don't worry, I'll keep the little Princess safe." Makoto beamed before ushering me toward my room, "hurry, change into something cute so we can go."

"N-not too cute." Dad protested awkwardly from the kitchen. "W-what about that UA sweatshirt?"

He was referring to the one he had given me that completely drowned me to the point where I looked almost like I'd thrown a sheet over myself in an attempt to be a ghost. Why was he being weirder than usual? I giggled softly and turned to head back to my room to change. I settled on a modest baby blue dress that fell to my knees before fixing my hair and tying it up with a matching blue ribbon.

When I left the room, Makoto was already waiting outside ready to go. Dad looked momentarily worried as he looked to my outfit. It looked like he was at war with himself for a moment torn between telling me I looked cute or telling me it was too cute and I should change. I didn't think it was too cute, I'd tried to go for something that was long, not lowcut and had sleeves. He seemed to pick up on that too and his smile returned.

"Stick close to Makoto, be careful, don't accept candy from strangers or anything for that matter, avoid dogs-" He was fumbling around trying to run through a mental checklist, this was the first time I was going out for the day without him. Normally when Makoto would take me shopping Dad and Detective Tsukauchi would tag along and at least be nearby.

Princess of Peace [BNHA]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon