Chapter One

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A/N: Images used are  just found from google searches (unless otherwise stated as fan art given to me).. I don't art well

~About 1 year before the manga/anime starts~

~Toshinori's POV~

               I fell out of bed as my phone blared The Star-Spangled Banner. Groggily I picked myself up off the floor and glanced at the glowing blue alarm clock on my nightstand. It was three in the morning. Who was calling me at this hour? Reaching for my phone, I paused, I didn't recognize the number but I knew the area code was from the US.

               "Hello?" I answered the phone feeling a sense of uneasiness.

               "Toshinori?" A soft feminine voice I hadn't heard in fourteen years sounded from the other end of the line. It was the voice of my old partner, Ayumi. We had both trained under Nana and shared a love of America. Ayumi moved to the states, she wanted us both to retire and travel the world but I couldn't.


               There was an unhealthy cough from the other end, it sounded as if there were fluid in her lungs. Was she okay? "I'm glad you remember me...I'm sorry Toshinori, I don't have a lot of time and I couldn't die with any regrets..."

               "Ayumi? What's wrong?" I felt my heart clench in my chest.

               "Listen, Toshinori, I didn't tell you sooner...because when we discussed it you didn't want to settle down...the reason I'd brought up the subject at the time was...I was pregnant..."

               I felt all the color drain from my face and dropped back onto the bed not sure I could stand. "You mean-...I'm a-... father?"

               It sounded like Ayumi was struggling to breathe, "Yes...I'm not calling to make you feel's just...there was an accident, it doesn't look like I'm going to make it, and-." Her voice cracked, "I know you weren't ready for a family and its unfair of me to do this to you, but you're the only one I trust enough to care for her..."

               Her? Tears welled in my eyes, "I have a daughter?"

               I could hear the smile in her voice, "Yes, she is indisputably yours, she took after you most, even after you were gone I was reminded of you every day..."

               "What's her name?"

               "Amelia, but she likes to be called Amy-." Another coughing fit claimed her, I could hear what I could only imagine to be blood being expelled from her lips. "Please, take care of her, Toshinori." A choked sob escaped her.

               "I will, I promise, where are you? I'm on my way." My voice shook.

               I waited as patiently as I could in the busy hospital lobby. By the time I'd arrived, Ayumi had succumbed to her injuries. From what I could piece together from what little information the nurses knew, Ayumi and Amy had been driving home in the early hours of the morning though I wasn't sure from where. They were hit head on by a drunk driver. Ayumi had managed to activate her quirk in time to protect Amy to the best of her ability and took the brunt of the damage.

               "All Might, I'm Dr. Cohen." A man in a white lab coat approached me with a somber smile and extended his hand to me. "I'm sorry for your loss. Ms. Takada left these for you and Amelia." He handed me two envelopes with his free hand.

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