Chapter Eighteen

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~Amy's POV~

A few weeks later and all of my classmates were scrambling to cram in extra training for the upcoming Sports Festival. I felt nauseous just thinking about it, I didn't want to compete against all my peers in front of the whole world. After seeing how hard my classmates were training, I'd tried to cram in extra training sessions in the mornings, after school and in the evenings. Mr. Aizawa granted me access to one of the school's training gyms on the main campus, it had lots of rocks and mountainous terrain so I could practice with my quirk.

I'd tried to thank Todoroki for catching me and carrying me during the USJ incident but every time I approached him about it, he pretended I didn't exist. It made me feel anxious as I didn't want him to think I was ungrateful but I was worried I'd be a bother if I kept trying to approach him about it.

After the attack, Dad wouldn't let me out of his sight, he was working a lot of late nights at the school going over police files that Detective Tsukauchi had given him as well as working on lesson plans and trying to find ways to tailor each lesson to each of his students. I wasn't allowed to leave school without him anymore since he'd found out the villains had threatened me. Once I'd finished training, I'd head to the teachers lounge to finish any homework I had. It worked out for the most part, I knew Dad was just worried and didn't want to complain. It was nice having most of my teachers there if I had any questions and they all seemed pretty happy to help.

On the Thursday before the Sports Festival, I went to the gym Mr. Aizawa had reserved for me like usual after class was over. I made it there without incident after saying goodbye to my classmates. They were all working hard too and, on their way, to train together. They'd invited me to join them but I didn't feel comfortable training with them in the event I lost control of my quirk, I didn't want any of them to get hurt.

I stopped in the girl's locker room to change out of my school uniform into some workout gear, Dad had gotten me when we went to the Disney Resort. I slipped into a pair of pale blue shorts that had a cute little tiara bedazzled on it and a matching white tank top with a cute little blue tiara bedazzled on the front. When I got to the gym, I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and looked to all the giant rocks piled in the room. After my weeks of training I was able to lift all of them with just my mind and had pretty steady control. The biggest rock which kind of resembled a tiny mountain still took a lot out of me to lift without using my hands.

I took a deep breath and clenched my fists tightly in front of me, wringing them together nervously. "Okay, just stay calm and go slow and things won't break." I tried to tell myself as I shakily extended my right hand toward the giant rock. As I unclenched my fist, I activated my quirk and extended my fingers toward the rock.

A massive force short from the tips of my fingers and I cringed as the ground became scraped in front of me and all the rocks were hurled away from me, including the giant one, smaller rocks broke apart into miniscule pebbles from the sheer force of my quirk. Tears welled in my eyes and I hurriedly returned my hand to my side keeping it securely pinned against me so I wouldn't accidentally send anything else flying.

"Try it again." A voice sounded from behind me nearly causing me to jump out of my skin.

An unflattering yelp escaped me and everything in the room that wasn't secured to the floor began to float into the air. I turned to find Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic standing in the doorway of the gym. Present Mic took a step toward me only to get lifted into the air causing Mr. Aizawa to shake his head.

"Ah! Sorry!" I squeaked and tried to take another deep breath and put everything back down. There was a loud crash as the giant boulder dropped, it shook the ground as it hit causing me to flinch.

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