Chapter Five

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~Toshinori's POV~

I wasn't ready for this! Already I was deviating from what Ayumi had instructed, I was going in alone. Which meant I had to do my very best not to embarrass Amy by buying too much stuff. Deciding it was best to go in my weakened form so as not to draw attention, I'd made my way toward a convenience store around the corner from the house. Hesitating just outside the doors of the convenience store, I took a deep breath.

"Alright, Toshinori, you can do this." I slapped my hands on either side of my face trying to pump myself up enough to step into the convenience store, "It's just..." I paused as realization hit me that I had absolutely no idea what feminine products were called.

I took a step into the convenience store. It was Friday morning so it was pretty empty most people were at school or work at this time. Glancing around the store I realized all the sales associates were men and groaned. Ayumi didn't give me a back up plan in case her original plan failed. There were no female store associates to help me and I couldn't bring Amy with me.

At the back of the store I spotted a pharmacy with a small minute clinic attached and felt a moment of relief, perhaps there was a nurse at the minute clinic who could help! As I reached the pharmacy and minute clinic area my smile fell as I saw a sign in both windows, they were closed for the day. My gaze fell on a few plastic displays along the wall with various medical pamphlets. Perhaps I could find some help there. I stepped over to the wall of medical pamphlets. There was a whole section about periods! Success!

I grabbed one of each and soon had a handful of pamphlets before frowning, "Ah...this is probably what Ayumi meant about going overboard." I put three of the twenty back and smiled, "There, much more reasonable." I smiled proudly as I started leafing through them hurriedly trying to find answers. The more I read, the more confused I became, there were so many different products!

Aimlessly I wandered through the store trying to find the aisle with the section for feminine products. I paused at an aisle in the middle of the store, there wasn't a small section within the aisle for feminine products. THE ENTIRE AISLE WAS FEMININE PRODUCTS! Starting to feel a little discouraged, I trudged into the aisle holding up the many pamphlets as if they were road maps that would somehow point me in the right direction.

The pamphlets weren't as much of a help as I thought as far as which products to get, they just explained that my life was going to be a bit hectic for the next 2-10 days and the process would repeat every month. I tucked the pamphlets under my arm and picked up the nearest box. It was brightly colored and had an outline of a girl jogging on it. That was good, right? I scanned the back of the box hoping it would provide some kind of information. There was something about an applicator wand.

"Wand...fairy godmothers have wands so that's kind of princess-y, right?" I muttered to myself and tucked the box under my arm before another brightly colored box caught my eye along with the words, 'fabulous florals' and something about wings, "Wings and flowers, those are good right?" I grabbed the second box before yet another one caught my eye. Before I knew it, I had an armful of brightly colored boxes. "Oh no, I did exactly what she told me not to." I groaned.

"Oh my, do you need a hand with that?" I heard a feminine voice sound from behind me.

I cheered causing all the boxes to hit the floor, "A lady! Ah- sorry, my apologies." I bowed apologetically to the slightly plump middle-aged woman with long dark green hair as she jumped at my outburst.

She laughed at my awkwardness and offered me a very motherly smile, "It's alright", she extended an empty shopping basket to me which I gratefully accepted and dumped the pile of pamphlets into. Her green eyes fell on the pamphlets and she smiled again as she figured out my predicament, "Daughter's first period?"

Princess of Peace [BNHA]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora